Social media promises equality and diversity - except for Christians
To abuse someone on the basis of their religion is against Twitter's rules. Unless apparently you are a Christian.
As child trafficking risks rise, how can churches help protect children?
When Godwin was in his mid-teens, a nightmare unfolded that would disrupt his academic dreams, steal him away from his family, and leave him fearing for his life: he was trafficked into Ghana's fishing industry.
A call to anguish
The woke church isn't waking anyone up, and the dead church isn't reviving anyone, writes Shane Idleman.
Waking up to wokeness
The concept of 'being woke' is an attempt to create moral boundaries but without God. It offers only a bleak and hopeless world in which a stern and constantly shifting morality subjects all to a judgement from which there can be no redemption or restoration.
Remembering George Floyd and the global movement for justice he inspired
Thank you Mr George Floyd for giving all of us another 'chance to change', to treat each other with dignity and respect, to pursue righteousness and justice, and help to create the 'beloved community'.
In Covid-ravaged India, the situation is worse than people realise
The actual number of deaths is far higher than reported, says the Most Rev Joseph D'Souza.
Stepping up to the plate
Numbers 8-12 tells us to step up to the plate. But what does this actually mean?
Were we too quick to close our doors during the pandemic?
The government has committed itself to an inquiry examining if it got its priorities right in locking the nation down. Perhaps the churches should do the same, writes Dr Gavin Ashenden.
The Israel-Palestine conflict: what's it all about?
David Robertson examines the background to the latest fighting and offers some suggestions for how Christians should approach it.
How do you leave God out of prayer?
In our highly secular age, it's almost not surprising to see God or Jesus left out of a supposed "prayer."
Has lockdown changed the way we serve?
As things open up, we can't forget what we have learnt through the pandemic, writes Hugh McNeill.
Once conversion therapy is criminalised, the pulpit will be next
If the LGBT lobby wins the battle to get conversion therapy criminalised, it is clear what their next target will be â public Christian preaching.