It's the most wonderful time of the year. Microsoft knows this, and it is geared up for the momentous release of the free games for Xbox Games with Gold this December.
Xbox Games with Gold subscribers using Xbox One will be able to play "Worms Battlegrounds" this holiday season. "Worms Battlegrounds" is a game that was released back in June and it's developed by Team 17. "Worms" has been around for quite a while and it's a fun and awesome strategic game. Metacritic gave it an average score of 70.
Meanwhile, Xbox 360 Gold subscribers will get two free games next month. According to Game Spot, the first is "The Raven: Legacy of Master Thief," and it will be available from Dec. 1 to 15. Then, from Dec. 16 to 30, the game will no longer be available and will be replaced by a reboot of "SSX."
"The Raven: Legacy of Master Thief" is a point and click adventure game, while the "SSX" reboot is a physics-defying snowboarding game by EA Sports, as described by Joystiq.
Xbox Live Gold is the Microsoft counterpart of Sony's PlayStation Plus. The membership allows players to get free games every month for their respective consoles. A three-month subscription costs $25, and a year's subscription is $60.
In the past months, Xbox Live Gold has been trying to compete with PlayStation's Plus roster of free games. But while Xbox's choices of free games have been better in the last two months, many reviewers deem that the service can get more subscribers if they improve their choices of games to give away for free.
Meanwhile, since it's Christmas, it will not be shocking at all if Xbox Live Gold has a surprise free game up its sleeve that will be announced later on. But while there is no confirmation about any more freebies, it is the season for giving, so avid gamers should keep their eyes out for updates.