'Winds of Winter' author George R.R. Martin comments on Sony hack, calls move 'corporate cowardice'

George RR Martin [Photo credit: George RR Martin | Twitter]

George R.R. Martin, the author of the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire," is known for his piercing words and strong opinions. These qualities are actually what makes the books and HBO's "Game of Thrones" such marvels to behold. Simply put, when Martin says something, it has to be heard.

In his personal blog, Martin made a post about his opinion on the Sony hack that exposed e-mail exchanges between network executives, celebrity personal information, passwords, scripts and more. Apparently, the Sony hack is believed to be somewhat a retaliation by North Korea's government who clearly does not agree with Sony's movie "The Interview."

After the hack, Sony pulled out "The Interview" from major movie theaters as a response to the cyber-attack. Clearly, Martin does not agree with Sony's decision at all.

He wrote, "In a stunning display of corporate cowardice, Regal, AMC, and every other major theatre chain in the United States have cancelled their plans to show the new Seth Rogen/ James Franco comedy THE INTERVIEW..."

"I mean, really? REALLY?? These gigantic corporations, most of which could buy North Korea with pocket change, are declining to show a film because Kim Jong-Un objects to being mocked? The level of corporate cowardice here astonishes me. It's a good thing these guys weren't around when Charlie Chaplin made THE GREAT DICTATOR. If Kim Jong-Un scares them, Adolf Hitler would have had them shitting in their smallclothes," he strongly added.

Martin continued to share that independent theaters are willing to screen the movie despite the threats from the hackers. He also invited Seth Rogen to pay him a visit at Sante Fe, New Mexico so he could screen "The Interview" with him.

Meanwhile, there is still no exact release date for "Winds of Winter." Martin had explained that the reason for the huge delay is because of the distractions around him. Having hired people to keep these distractions at bay, he is now more focused on writing and, maybe, finally finishing the sixth installment of "A Song of Ice and Fire."