Why Our Silence Against Wrongdoing is Wrong


Preferring to keep our mouths shut can be good for some reasons, but shutting our mouths and denying ourselves from speaking against what is wrong is wrong in itself. We are called by God to speak up against injustice and oppression, and choosing to be silent when we should talk against it is just plain wrong.

Silence Against Wrongdoing Means Supporting It

There's a saying that goes, "silence means 'yes'." In this case, being silent and preferring not to speak up against wrongdoing actually means being "not in opposition to it" or "not being against it."

In short, if we won't speak against wrongdoing, it means we are tolerating it, and in essence, supporting it.

God of course doesn't want that. He said in Leviticus 5:1 that "If you are called to testify about something you have seen or that you know about, it is sinful to refuse to testify, and you will be punished for your sin."

He will hold all those who should have spoken the truth against wrongdoing accountable for not saying what they should have. Whoa!

God is Looking for Champions

God is not out there looking for someone to slap or punish. He is good and just, and wants all who carry His name to be like Him: holy, righteous and just (see 1 Peter 1:16; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Proverbs 11:1, 20:23, 31:8).

God is out there looking for a people He could use to speak up against wickedness. 2 Chronicles 16:9a tells us, "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him..."

God's desire is very visible in Psalm 94:16, which gives us a very strong invitation: "Who will champion my cause against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers?"

Our Victorious Shout

Christ's death and resurrection brought us who believe Him the victory that allows us to speak up for what is right. Colossians 2:15 says, "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."

Because we know what sin does to us, we must never keep silent in the fight for righteousness. Because we know that Christ has already won the battle, we must never back down for fear that we might be hated by men and attacked by the enemy. Because Christ has saved us from sin and eternally secured us, we are assured that we can fight the good fight of faith till the end.

Friends, as Christians, we carry the name of Christ who died without sin and was raised in power. As Christians we carry the name of God who is holy, just, kind and righteous. We will do well to let His character be seen in us, by not choosing to stay silent in the face of sin.