'Vikings' season 3 spoilers: Ragnar and Bjorn talk about power

Will there be more bloodshed in Vikings season 3? history.com

In less than two months, History Channel's "The Vikings" will return with its latest season. This time, it will be about keeping power responsibly and handling the consequences that comes with it. The newly released trailer for season 3 shows a good look at what the new season will be. 

The new trailer quickly shows a huge hint of the new season's plot. It starts out with Ragnar and Bjorn talking at the top of a mountain.

Ragnar asks his eldest son, "Why do you want to fight? What are you fighting for? What do you see?"

Bjorn looks out into the distance, thinking deeply about his answer to his father. He answers the he sees power, "the power of a king."

Power is a huge theme for season 3, given how things ended last season. In the season 2 finale, King Horik devised a plan to annihilate Ragnar and his sons. He feared that Ragnar wanted to take his crown. He thought he had an ally in Floki, but Floki betrayed the king later on.

In an intense scene, Floki told King Horik, "I only betrayed you. I was always true to the gods and Ragnar."

He then stabbed the king and the Lothbrok clan finished him off with multiple headbutts. Since then, Ragnar has become the King of Denmark. 

Now that Ragnar is the highest ruler of the land, he holds immense power as well. He knows that with such great power comes uncontrollable circumstances. He wants to explain this to Bjorn and make his son realize that power is not always a great thing.

In the promo video, Ragnar continues to tell his son, "The power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best."

Ragnar then reveals to his son that he never asked for the power he's received, saying, "Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up."

Is the dialogue foretelling of what the Lothbroks will face in season 3? Will someone fight Ragnar to gain that power? One can only get the answers when "Vikings" returns on Feb. 19, 2015 on the History Channel. The Lothbroks will be back for 10 episodes in the upcoming season.