With Marvel's announcement of its Phase Three slate, the rumors surrounding "Thor 3" has now been laid to rest. It is confirmed: "Thor 3" will be about the "Ragnarok" and could mark the end of Asgard. Also, it will be released on July 28, 2017, a rumor that is now a fact.
It is still unsure whether Marvel will stick to the original Ragnarok story in the comics or if the production company will deviate from it. Nonetheless, according to Movie Pilot, in the comic book version, a clone of Thor is made during the "Civil War" which, incidentally, takes place in "Captain America 3." Created primarily to kill the superheroes who refuse to register under the Superhero Registration Act, the clone teams up with Baron Von Strucker and is named Ragnarok. Thor eventually beats the clone, but only after it has already done so much damage.
BuzzFeed had a chat with Chris Hemsworth on the set of "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" and the Australian actor shared a few tidbits about what "Thor: Ragnarok" will be. He really downplayed his answers but at the end of the chat, the main takeaway is that "Thor 3" will be different and Thor will be changing, too.
"There was an innocence and naïveté to him, which as he matured into the king of the second [Thor film] — or the rightful king — we sort of lost a little bit of that. That was that story," he said. "I like where Thor has been taken in this. He sort of sees a whole other side to what's going on in the conflict, and another potential threat. And he kind of segues a bit and has his own little sort of journey."
Now, what about everyone's favorite, Loki? As of now, there's no hint that Loki will be in "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" but this doesn't mean that he won't be in "Ragnarok" either. Then again, there's no confirmation that he would be in the third "Thor" movie. But considering that Loki did fake being Odin and got control over Asgard, it's very likely that he would be in the third film.
Hemsworth shared that he loves working with Tom [Hiddleston] but he admitted that their good relationship keeps them in a box. Having such a relationship can't really be the focus of the three movies.
"What else can you do different? It was nice to have a whole different sort of motivation," Hemsworth said.