'The Hobbit' 3 movie spoilers: Peter Jackson talks about expanding roles of characters in 'The Battle of The Five Armies'

 Facebook: The Hobbit

On the official Facebook page of "The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies," a new poster for the movie was released. In the poster is Smaug the dragon flying over Lake Town and unleashing fire on the houses. The poster was given the title "I am fire. I am death."

In "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," Thorin and the dwarves not only awakened but somehow, they paved the way for the dragon to escape. The people of Lake Town already warned Thorin about it and still, he proceeded to the mountain. The people knew that once Smaug escapes, he will kill the people in Lake Town.

In the third installment of the movie, this is exactly the first thing on Smaug's list – to unleash his wrath on the town people. However, not everyone can rescue the town from Smaug, except maybe for Bard the Bowman whose destiny is to kill the dragon. There is an impending war, The Battle of Five Armies in particular, and everyone is gearing up for that fight. It will be an epic battle between the orcs, dwarves, elves, and men, plus the eagles.

Can Smaug be killed and will Bard be able to kill him? Who will win in The Battle of the Five Armies? And how will Bilbo Baggins survive it all to tell the tale? Everyone will get their answers on Dec. 17 when "The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies" hit theaters.

Meanwhile, Total Film magazine had a short chat with Peter Jackson, director of "The Hobbit" Trilogy. In Issue 225, Jackson shared how he expanded some character roles in the movie so that the movie can have its epic ending.

"We're developing more story with the elves and with Gandalf. We're developing the character of Bard the Bowman. We're able to expand what was there, bring in a little bit extra to the mythology and open it up a bit," Jackson said.

"What we're trying to do is have a lot of that conflict and resolution happen during the course of the battle, so it doesn't just become all action," he added. "There's still a plot with the characters to follow, even though they're surrounded by fighting trolls and orcs and things."