'The Blacklist' season 2 spoilers: Liz and Red go after a man who wants to be immortal in episode 17

The Blacklist Season 2 Wikipedia

In the next episode of "The Blacklist," Liz is a free woman after Tom confessed to the murder of the harbormaster in the last episode. Red was able to convince Tom to confess to spare the life of Liz. Finally, Liz and Red can now move on and take on a new case.

Episode 17 is titled "The Longevity Institute" and the title itself is already a huge clue as to what will happen in the next episode. It has something to do with prolonging life. The official synopsis goes:

"The task force tracks a scientist who abducts disabled patients to conduct experiments on immortality. Now back in Washington, DC, Tom (Ryan Eggold) scrambles to save himself from new enemies."

This scientist is next on Red's blacklist and his name is Julian Powell. As seen in the episode preview, Red and Liz will track down Powell as they suspect him of prolonging his life to the point of immortality, but at the expense of disabled patients. However, Powell is not close to his goal of immortality as his experiment continues to fail and he gets the opposite effect.

In the preview, Red caught Powell red-handed as he was trying to abduct another disabled patient. What is the motive behind Powell's actions and how will Red cross him out of the list? Also, Red looked very interested at Powell's research, what does he want to do with it?

Meanwhile, Tom got himself into deeper trouble after confessing to the crime. The courthouse released him, but despite that, he has numerous enemies hunting him down now that he is out of hiding. How can Tom get out of Washington? Will Red help him?

"The Blacklist" Season 2 airs every Thursday, 9 p.m. on NBC.