"Terminator: Genisys" made a splash at the Super Bowl with its newest trailer to date. What the first trailer lacked in exciting material, the second trailer made up for.
The new trailer shows two important action sequences, which are probably two of the most important action sequences in the movie. The first is the battle between Arnold Schwarzenegger and himself. The aged T-800 played by Schwarzenegger faces the younger version of himself, except this T-800 is surely CGI. Still, it is amazing to see two Schwarzeneggers going at it.
The second sequence is the scene at the Golden Gate Bridge. Emilia Clarke, who plays Sarah Connor, flips the school bus on the bridge, creating one of the most memorable action sequences for the franchise. What makes it extra special is that this magnificent bus flip happens during a sunny day at San Francisco's famous tourist attraction. What a sight that is.
Many "Terminator" fans and new fans of the franchise have renewed hope that "Genisys" might actually be a great movie. The expectations got derailed when the first trailer was released, but now, the hype is back on.
Meanwhile, the plot for "Terminator: Genisys" is all about Kyle Reese traveling back in time to supposedly help Sarah Connor. When Reese finally arrives at his destination, he is surprised to see that Connor is actually raised by Schwarzenegger's aged T-800. The addition of the new robot T-1000 adds more chaos to the mix.
Apart from the Terminator robots, action sequences, and time travel, actor Matt Smith (who plays an important but unspecified role in the film) affirmed that "Genisys" will be a hit for both the new and old fans.
"It's like going on tour again if you're Pink Floyd - the audience always wants to hear some of the old songs. There are enough nods to the past that people will feel satisfied," Smith told Entertainment Weekly.
As for Clarke, she shared that she felt embarrassed doing some of the action scenes in the movie.
"The thing I didn't know about action movies is that when someone is running on screen, they are really running. No one looks brilliant running on camera," she quipped.
"Terminator: Genisys" hits theaters on July 1.