There's no doubt that it has been one unforgettable ride for Jax Teller ever since he discovered his father's manifesto in season 1. Countless tragedies have befallen him as well as SAMCRO. Now, after seven seasons, the series will finally come to its finale, and everyone wants to know, what will happen to Jax Teller?
The entire season 7 revolved around Jax trying to find out the truth about the death of his wife Tara, and episode after episode, fans awaited with bated breath that moment when he'd finally get the killer to pay. That's exactly what heppened in the last episode titled "Red Rose" — Jax was able to exact revenge on his own mother Gemma and Juice for the brutal murder of his wife. Now that both plots have come full circle, what is left for Jax now?
The 13th and final episode of "Sons of Anarchy" is titled "Papa's Goods" and according to Carter Matt, the episode will be about legacy. Jax has been trying to fulfill the legacy of John Teller when he read the manifesto "The Life and Death of Sam Crow: How the Sons of Anarchy Lost Their Way." Jax has been trying to keep SAMCRO in line with his father's vision by getting rid of the guns, violence and mayhem. But as fans have seen, Jax wasn't all that successful.
In "Papa's Goods," Jax evaluates his life and at the same time, worries about the legacy he will leave behind. Jax has sons and for sure, he doesn't want his sons to experience the life he had and suffer from the consequences of his actions, too.
Jax's one final ride has been a very tough road, and adding to his demons is killing his own mother. How can he ever go back to who he was? Is it even possible? What is the legacy Jax Teller will leave for his sons Abel and Thomas?
"Sons of Anarchy" season 7 episode 13 is the series finale and surely, viewers wouldn't want to miss it for the world, not when Jax and SAMCRO's tale finally comes to an end. It airs on Dec. 9, 10 p.m. on FX. In the meantime, here's the trailer for "Papa's Goods."