Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian news: Marriage can wait but the kids can't

The Kardashian Sisters, Kourtney Kim and Khloe PA

After one engagement and three kids later, Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are still together, but without that wedding band on their fingers. Their relationship has faced several odds to say the least. Yet, the couple remains strong. 

Numerous rumors have been thrown at the couple. For one, OK Magazine reported that Disick is already sick of Kourtney's attitude.

A source for OK shared, "He's told Kourtney that if she tries to take the kids and their money, he'll let loose enough information to humiliate her and take down her entire family!" 

The next rumor is that Disick is getting very close to Kourtney's sister, Kendall, which some would describe as too close for comfort. Further, the other rumor about why the couple continues to fight is because Disick allegedly continues his party ways despite having three kids. 

How true are these rumors? Are these the reasons why Disick and Kourney aren't getting married yet?

Disick sets the record straight in an interview with People, saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it – we're happy the way it is. I don't even think we'll have time to get married at the rate that we're popping out kids." 

He also admitted to People that his priority right now is to be a father than be a husband. He's also just very happy to be a hands-on father to all the kids, especially with Reign. 

"There's always so much in the beginning when they're that little. Every day is such a big milestone, but this is my third time, so it's just kind of a charm," he shared. "You know it by now; the first one was scary, the second one was less scary, and the third one you're like, I get it, I got a whole team over here." 

Also, the dad of three is very happy to say that Mason and Penelope are very welcoming of their baby brother.

"I cannot get over how much the other two have shown affection to the baby," Disick said, and proudly added that the kids don't have any jealous feelings whatsoever.