It is still a week away before PlayStation PS Plus changes its free games into new ones. So for players who haven't made the download yet, it's high time that they do. Also, do know that November is a special month for Sony so there's a good chance that gamers would be getting more or better games.
The PlayStation PS Plus list of games for November 2014 is still unclear at the moment. However, there is one game that looks like it's confirmed to be in the list. The game is called "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" and it's produced by Nicalis Inc.
In the PlayStation blog, the game is described by Tyrone Rodriguez as: "If you're not familiar with 'The Binding of Isaac,' it combines elements of The Legend of Zelda and Smash TV with the rogue-like genre. 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth' literally features hundreds of items, weapons and power-ups all wrapped-up in an arcade-like experience."
He then quoted the designer of the game, saying, "It'll be awesome to finally give console players a chance to experience the weirdest thing I've ever made."
While there hasn't been any confirmation yet from Sony, which is only normal because releasing the list is the only sign of confirmation, there's a good reason why this game is believed to be part of the PlayStation PS Plus November 2014 list.
According to Daily Game, the game is set for release on PS4 and PS Vita on Nov. 4, which actually coincides with the release of the game list as well.
Furthermore, since it's November and Sony is celebrating the birthday of PlayStation PS Plus, there might just be three free games available for all members. For one, they might do it just to celebrate the month itself; and second, it could be a way to make it up to the subscribers who experienced a buggy release of "DriveClub" PlayStation Plus Edition.