'Once Upon A Time' season 4 spoilers: Which fairy tale love story will have happy ending?


The "Once Upon A Time" mid-season finale left every fan crushed by the events that transpired. It seemed like every love story the fans were rooting for will no longer happen. Is it just a tease? Show creators say there's a lot more to come in the second half of the season. That's good to know. 

In a very revealing interview with Entertainment Tonight, show creators Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz shared what is yet to come of the series' lovers. Here's the latest news: 

Belle and Rumplestilskin

This love affair started way back in season 1 and immediately, fans fell in love with the couple. However, it was a very short relationship and since then, the two haven't gone back together. The mid-season finale didn't give much hope for Rumbelle shippers either, and many are speculating that the Rumple-Belle love story will no longer happen. 

Horowitz begs to differ, saying, "What I'll say about this, in all seriousness for the Rumbelle fans, is that definitely Rumple and Belle are not over."

Horowitz added that the mid-season finale was merely a chapter in the story, and he tried to appease fans, saying, "We're telling a larger story and there are more chapters to come." 

Regina and Robin Hood 

Fans quickly fell in love with the pairing of Regina and Robin Hood. However, in the last episode, the Evil Queen had to give her lover up. Is this the end of Outlaw Queen? 

Kitsis assured fans that "We haven't seen the end of it. The story is just at a middle point and although it seemed final [in the mid-season finale], I would definitely keep watching because there's much more to come." 

Emma and Hook 

Emma and Hook's relationship is a rollercoaster. While the pair looked better in the first half of the season, fans wonder if this will continue. 

"As far as Captain Swan shippers are concerned, I would say that the relationship between Emma and Hook is something we've been developing for a while and we're going to continue to develop it," Horowtz revealed.

He also added that Emma and Hook will have "personal challenges" to face individually. 

Snow and Charming 

The epic love story of Snow and Charming has passed the test of time. But in the first half of the season, they weren't seen much. Snowing shippers need not worry because Kitsis and Horowitz assure fans that there will be tons of Snowing screen time this year. 

"Oh we're going to get much more Snowing in the second half and we're very excited. We are going to get some really fun flashbacks with them and realize they have a really interesting connection to the Queens of Darkness," Horowitz said. 

There's so many things to look forward to when "Once Upon A Time" returns on March 1 on ABC.