The Ebola outbreak is certainly something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. are taking very seriously. They are not taking any risks when it comes to people who might be infected or are manifesting any symptoms, much more to the nurses who actually take care of Ebola patients.
One of those nurses is Amber Vinson, 29, who was one of the nurses who took care of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. She took care of him at the Texas Health Prebysterian Hospital in Dallas.
Vinson was put in isolation at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. But after running some tests, the CDC didn't found any trace of the Ebola virus in her body. She is still being treated there.
Her mother Debra Berry told the Los Angeles Times, "Amber and our family are ecstatic to receive this latest report on her condition. We all know that further treatment will be necessary as Amber continues to regain strength, but these latest developments have truly answered prayers and bring our family one step closer to reuniting with her at home."
Vinson feared that she might have infected other people after she cared for Duncan. She went to Ohio and returned to Dallas, which may have led to infecting other travellers. It's good to know that her return flight was approved by CDC and there were no Ebola cases during Vinson's travel.
Nina Pham, 26, is the other nurse who took care of Duncan alongside Vinson. She was currently treated at National Institutes of Health Clinic in Bethesda, Md. and has today been declared Ebola-free. Her dog also tested negative.