Jessica Chastain wants to play Marvel superhero; which one could she be?

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Jessica Chastain has now finished promoting her new movie "Interstellar" together with director Christopher Nolan and a star-studded cast. But despite the focus on her new movie, taking on the role of a Marvel superhero is still something on her mind.

Chastain was already offered a role in "Iron-Man 3." She turned down the role that went to Rebecca Hall. There was also a rumor that she will play Hope Pym in "Ant-Man" but the role is now Evangeline Lilly's. So, what kind of role is Chastain actually looking for?

In an interview with MTV, Chastain made it clear what she wants and that she is already talking to Marvel Studios about being part of a Marvel superhero movie.

"We've talked about aligning our forces in the future. And here's the thing with me... If you're going to be in a superhero movie, you only get one chance. You're that character forever. So why do a superhero movie and play the boring civilian?" Chastain said.

"Whatever it is, I want a fight scene. I could be an incredible villain. I could be a hero. I want a cool outfit, and I want to kick ass. There was thing... I don't want to say too much – but there was one thing, there was a possibility in the future of the character becoming... And I was like, 'I understand that, but I want to do it now," she added.

Based on her statement alone, Chastain wants to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe "now" and her impatience is very obvious. But the question is, is there a good role for her to play given that the Phase Three movie schedule was already announced?

The more obvious choice is playing Carol Denvers in "Captain Marvel" but Chastain dismissed the possibility since the movie is still scheduled for 2018.

"Listen, that's 2018. We don't know where we'll be, maybe I'll give up acting by then," Chastain said.

After her interview with MTV, people thought that Chastain will actually be given the role of Carol Denvers.

Chastain went to Twitter to clear it up and said, "Oops uh oh....I've never had talks about Captain Marvel. Was referring to a different film from over a year ago, in my recent MTV interview."

Which Marvel female superhero role is still up for grabs? Movie Pilot said that she might be playing Medusa. Or, she could also be part of "Inhumans," but that is also scheduled in 2018.

Well, whatever movie it is, seeing Chastain as a Marvel superhero is something to look forward to. She is a wonderful actress after all.