iPhone 7 rumors: Specs and features for Apple's next-gen smartphone

iPhone 6, predecessor to the future iPhone 7 [Photo credit: Apple]

Could it be too soon for Apple to release their new smartphone? It wasn't long ago when Apple launched the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Now, talks about the iPhone 7 are already making rounds.

iPhone7info.com is a website dedicated to the iPhone 7's news and updates. It has already made some posts about what the possible specs would be for the next iPhone. First, the article talked about if the iPhone 7 will actually be a transparent phone, since Apple has filed a patent for this already.

According to iPhone7info, it is possible to see a phone that's transparent, but what's unsure is that what material will be used for it. They predicted sapphire crystal to be used since it is scratch-resistant. However, it is not as flexible. The report did point out that at this point in time, using mainly sapphire crystal is an off bet, but if its two years from now, it may just happen.

The patent Apple filed was described as sapphire and transparent display made through alumina powder liquid-metal process. If Apple is successful in making this happen, it is very possible that the iPhone 7 will be a transparent phone.

Next, will the iPhone 7 have a bigger screen? Even though the iPhone 6 featured a bigger screen compared to its predecessor, iPhone7info.net believes that Apple will stay at 4.7 inches even for the iPhone 7. But, given this, there's also a possibility that Apple will launch a phablet next year.

Last, there have been rumors going around that there will be a built-in projector for the iPhone 7. Is this true? Possibly. In August 2011, Apple applied for a patent in integrating mini projectors into their iOS devices. This proves that Apple has been toying around with the idea for a while now. It is also rumored that this projector will feature advanced gesturing, silhouette gesturing and the ability to interpret shadows.

With all this news, it looks like the iPhone 7 will be a revolutionary smartphone in the making. The question is, will Apple get to implement all their plans on this phone already? Tune in to more news about iPhone 7 coming in the next months.