'Interstellar' movie review: Christopher Nolan does it again as moviegoers give raving reviews

 [Photo credit: Interstellar | Twitter]

"Interstellar" has already started screening in some theaters despite having its full release date two weeks from now. This actually means that some spoilers might be on their way. Or perhaps not.

People who have seen the movie were told not to share any details in social media — but that can barely stop them. For moviegoers and Christopher Nolan fans, there's big talk about how "Interstellar" faired in its early screenings and, so far, the movie has consistently received positive reviews from those who have seen it.

Slash Film has compiled a couple of positive tweets about "Interstellar" and some have even compared it to "2001: A Space Odyssey."

A Twitter user named Noah Cowan said, "#Interstellar is extraordinary - an angry, Heinlein-influenced rebuttal to Clarke and Kubrick's 2001 & a poem to light and gravity..."

A user by the name of Taco said, "Chris Nolan did it Again!!! INTERSTELLAR GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME"

And one guy is actually inviting everyone to watch it in 70-mm format. Brad Bird tweeted, "Dazzled by the ambition & intelligence of Chris Nolan's INTERSTELLAR. Terrific performances, haunting imagery, WOW. See it in 70MM IMAX"

"So Interstellar was probably the best movie I've ever seen," tweeted Catbug.

There are still tons of positive tweets going around which is just a testament to how awesome the movie is. And to add to these positive reviews, Page Six has reported that there was a private screening of "Interstellar" in New York City organized by the head of Paramount, Brad Grey.

According to the report, A-list people were in attendance including Kevin Bacon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ang Lee, Chris Rock, Kyra Sedgwick, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Steve McQueen. While they haven't shared their feedback about the movie, getting everyone together for a private screening like this just proves what a masterpiece Nolan's new movie is.

"Interstellar" will be released on Nov. 7, but for viewers who plan to go for the 70-mm IMAX screenings and the 70-mm and 35-mm film screenings, they'll be open on Nov. 5.