How Should Christians Treat LGBT People?


There's a growing controversy about how Christians should be treating the LGBT community. Many ministers have come out teaching that they should be accepted, but there are many others who stand on firm convictions that they shouldn't be. What do you think?

What God Says

The Bible clearly tells us that homosexuality is sin and those participating in it will never inherit the Kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:9).

That's a strong word, but it's true. You won't see any gay person sitting beside God in His Kingdom, but He does want the LGBT community to be with Him – but only in the right way (see John 14:6).

Christ came to destroy all the works of the devil and sin (see 1 John 3:8). His death on the cross strips the power off sin and Satan, and those who are in Him can embrace the right way of life: a holy life bent on pursuing Christ-likeness (see Colossians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 5:15)

So how should Christians relate to and treat people in the LGBT community? Here's how:

1. See Them the Way God Does

All men have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Straight or not, all men have sinned (see Romans 3:10-18). Sin distorts our thinking, destroys our convictions, and ultimately leads us to a downward spiral of sinfulness unto death and hell. No one is exempted here.

God saw the sorry and pitiful state of man. Because of sin, all of us have been separated from Him. That's why He sent Christ to bring us back to Him. (see John 3:16; 1 John 4:10)

Friends, sin is sin. Homosexuality is sin, and so is heterosexual lust, where a straight man sexually lusts after a woman. Both are sinful, and God wants to liberate both the homosexual and the heterosexual from sin. (see 1 Timothy 2:4; Luke 4:18-19)

Christians should thus see the LGBT people as people who need God as much as anyone does. We all need God, don't we?

2. Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner

We must have compassion for the homosexual person, but we must hate the spirit of homosexuality that keeps the person in bondage. Truth be told, homosexuality is a perversion that God hates. Christ died for homosexuality to be eradicated, and for the homosexual person to be saved, redeemed, and restored to their authentic identity in Christ – a man as a man and a woman as a woman (see Genesis 1:27).

3. Love Them Like Jesus Does

Jesus died for all men. He didn't discriminate, rather He loved all. Yet we must remember that homosexuality is sin, and the homosexual is a person. We should separate the two.

Think about what Christ told the woman who was caught in adultery. He told her, "Neither do I [condemn you]. Go and sin no more" (see John 8:10-11)

He forgives sin, but He wants sinners to stop sinning.

In Conclusion

Friends, we must love the LGBT people enough to tell them that homosexuality will be judged, while also letting them know that God loves them and wants them to be saved. We Christians are God's representatives here on earth, and thus we must learn to love like He does: relentless against sin, but loving towards people.

Let's all boldly share the gospel so that our gay friends can be saved.