JB Cachila
Why names are so important to God
Names are very important. Many of us might not realize it, but names are more than just ways to identify a person. They're also subtle declarations of a person's identity and destiny, and because of this, we should be careful to use names.
Why it's not always good to be a people-pleaser
There is a point when the people-pleasing has to stop. It stops when we are no longer pleasing the Lord.
Why we can believe God's promise to give us success
God's words according to Joshua 1:6-9 promise us that we'll have great success as we adhere to His words, obey His commands, and not stray to the left and the right.
Should we blame God for all the unpleasant things happening around us?
Friends, we must understand that God doesn't cause unpleasant, harmful things to happen to us. As such, we shouldn't blame Him for our unfortunate circumstances.
3 reflections on the life and death of evangelist Billy Graham
Here are a few reflections from the life and death of the man many hailed as "America's pastor," a humble servant who loved our Lord Jesus Christ, the late Rev. Billy Graham.
3 ways Christians can cause others to abandon the faith
Did you know that we Christians can become blind guides who lead others out of the faith?
Why it's not always wrong for a Christian to judge others
"Do not judge" is one of the best known teachings from the Bible
Can I be a child of God and yet face difficult problems?
God promised to deliver all who have taken refuge in Him. He promised to help us in our troubles, to keep us from many bad things that may happen to us. Does this mean we won't be facing difficult problems anymore?
3 things every church member should know about their pastors and church workers
While church workers do indeed serve God to the best of their abilities and capacities, we need to temper our expectations with a few truths that many of us tend to ignore.
3 lessons from the time Jesus drove people out from the temple
Jesus, commonly introduced among the religious as a pious and very gentle and meek man, did something the most of religious of all will dislike: He drove people out of the temple and overturned the tables of those who were doing business there.
How do I put things behind me? 3 ways how
God wants all of us to put former things behind us. He has called us to be a forward-moving people, able to thank Him for the things that are while moving forward to the things that will be.
3 wrong expectations Christians have about God
God is often misunderstood and misinterpreted by people. He is good, merciful, patient and kind, yet His attributes are often misunderstood, even by the very people who carry His name. Here are some common wrong expectations we can have about God.