Here's the Best Christmas Gift You Can Ever Give


Searching for the perfect Christmas gift to give is a challenge and a puzzle to many people. But actually the best Christmas gift is one that doesn't take much consideration at all.

When we shop for gifts, we often consider many factors and variables in choosing what gifts to give to certain persons. We consider our budget, the person's needs and preferences, what would benefit them more, or perhaps what we want them to enjoy. When we think about all of these things, we often find ourselves going crazy about what to choose.

"What if he doesn't like it?" "What if she already has one of these?" These are just some of the questions we ask ourselves.

Thus, choosing a gift can be quite a chore. But there's a simple way of choosing the best gift any Christian can give to anybody. It's the gift that surpasses all other gifts in terms of importance. It's the Gospel.

Why the Gospel

The Gospel is the greatest gift mankind will ever receive. It's the gift of God to men, and the gift people can give to others who haven't received this gift yet. It's a gift that's both priceless and already paid for, tremendously heavy yet surprisingly light, and life-changing as it is life-giving. There's nothing like it.

The Bible tells us that "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[b] Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Let's take this as the reason why the gospel is the best gift we can give this Christmas.

We're All Destined for Eternal Death Without Christ

Friend, no matter what we give to another person as a gift this Christmas, if it's not Christ it's not going to bring eternal life. All things will pass away, no matter what we give them:

• Food has an expiration date;

• Friendship ends in death;

• Material belongings decay over time; and

• Everything under the sun will fade, no matter how much it costs.

Friend, the Bible tells us that salvation is by the grace through faith in Christ (see Ephesians 2:8-9). No amount of earthly Christmas gifts can give lasting peace, joy, and eternal security as what the Bible can give.

Christ Alone Gives Us a Life Worth Living – Until Eternity

Without Christ, our lives are but short episodes that lead to eternal separation from God. No matter how much we enjoy every Christmas, we all know we will end up in the grave. What's the point of living life, then, if we know we're just bound to die anyway?

For this reason, Christ is the best gift. Jesus said, "I have come that [those who come to God through Me] may have life, and have it to the full" (see John 10:10; emphasis taken from John 10:9). And this abundant life stretches out to eternity.

Christ Is the Best Gift Ever

Friends, Jesus Christ is the best gift we could ever give to another person. Share the gospel of Christ this Christmas. Instead of giving an expensive gift that will soon fade away, give the gift of eternal life that comes through the sacrifice of Christ.