"Doctor Who" Season 8 has just ended, yet, everyone is already looking forward to Season 9 which will air around mid-2015. But of course, before that long wait, there's still a holiday treat that "Doctor Who" has prepared for the fans.
The Christmas Special will air on December 25, right smack on Christmas Day. It is directed by Paul Wilmhurst and written by Steven Moffat. According to TV Line, the Christmas Special will be about the Doctor and Clara going to the North Pole. There, they will face new enemies. In the teaser, Nick Frost is seen to play the miserable and unhappy Santa Claus.
According to Cultbox, Frost was very happy being part of the special. He said "I'm so thrilled to have been asked to guest in the 'Doctor Who' Christmas special, I'm such a fan of the show. The read-through was very difficult for me; I wanted to keep stuffing my fingers into my ears and scream "No spoilers!" Every day on set I've had to silence my internal fan boy squeals!"
As for everyone who is asking if Jenna Coleman will still play Clara and whether she is going or not, here's what she said: "People don't have any idea [if I'm staying or going]. I think people can watch the show, not knowing whether I am [going] or not, and I think that's exciting ... there's a surprise we've got coming, it's much better that nobody knows which way it's going to go." But in the special, Coleman will still play Clara.
After that, it's going to at least 7 to 8 months wait for "Doctor Who" Season 9 to be back. Filming will start in January 2015 and Peter Capaldi will still play the Doctor. Here's the other news about Season 9:
Neil Gaiman is very excited to write an episode for Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. He says that he wants to write something very scary, which he hasn't done yet.
As for writer Peter Harness, he's excited to continue working for the show and would like to write about parallel dimensions, time travel and whatever. Mark Gatiss wants to do some historical stories.
Director Steven Moffat is already brainstorming some ideas, one of which is the return of River Song. "If we've got an idea that she fits perfectly then there's no reason why we can't do it," reports Cultbox.