'Doctor Strange' major movie plot hinted by the director?

 [Photo credit: Marvel]

Marvel Studios announced the Phase Three slate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it confirmed that "Doctor Strange" is included in its five-year plan. "Doctor Strange" is set for release in 2016 and will be directed by Scott Derrickson. But even with both confirmations, there's very little fans know about the plot.

Nonetheless, it is known that "Doctor Strange" won't be a movie based on the sorcerer's origin story. But of course, the movie will introduce some very important details about how the sorcerer became the protector of Earth. This is the first movie about the Marvel character after all.

Just the other day though, director Derrickson posted a photo on Twitter, which could've meant a major hint at the plot of the movie. The photo was based on the graphic novel "Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa." According to Cinema Blend, the story of Shamballa may just be the best middle ground for the plot in both introducing Doctor Strange as well as important details of his story.

To give moviegoers a background, the "Into Shamballa" is a graphic novel by Dan Green and J.M. DeMatteis. The story was published in 1986, and is about Strange visiting the Ancient One after the great sorcerer taught him magic. Strange discovers an artifact from the Ancient One and decides to bring it back to the Ancient One's home.

When Strange studies the artifact, he opens up a way to communicate with the Lords of Shamballa. It is a way for Strange to enter the golden age, a higher learning for humanity.

How could this be the perfect plot? According to Cinema Blend, it will provide the character a foundation without his background story taking over the entire plot of the movie.  

Come to think of it, Derrickson has already posted several images on his Twitter based on the comics. Could this be the director's way of hinting what the movie will be?

"Doctor Strange" will start production next year and Derrickson is probably polishing the story already. It will hit theaters on Nov. 4, 2016.