Last Sunday, many Americans were confused if they already had to turn their clocks forward an hour since not many know exactly when Daylight Saving Time will end. In fact, "Daylight Saving Time" was a trending search phrase during that day as monitored by Google Trends.
This year, Daylight Saving Time ends on Nov. 2. While that's easy to clarify, it remains unclear if states like Utah would still continue doing the tradition every year. According to The Washington Post, the people in Utah actually prefer keeping their mountain time for the whole year. In a survey, 62 percent preferred to do away with Daylight Saving Time.
Hawaii and Arizona are the two states that don't observe Daylight Saving Time. All the other states follow it, but Utah wants to join the other two.
Every year, DST starts on the second Sunday of March. At 2 a.m., the clock is turned back an hour. Although this has been a practice for many years, Americans still end up confused on when it starts and when it ends. More so, many are uncertain as to why there is a need for it anyway.
Aside from the fact that it is a law to be followed, the government believes the following DST can actually save both energy and time. Some people believe that it is actually a good thing because it allows people to enjoy long evenings with daylight. Hence, letting them do more things outside every day.
But in an article by The Los Angeles Times, Daylight Saving Time can be more unhealthy than healthy, as what everyone believed. The slight change in time deeply affects the physical body. The article noted that students have a harder time focusing on school while adults waste time at work.
Further, The LA Times pointed out that during Daylight Saving Time, there's more traffic accidents, heart attack incidents and suicide risks. It's unbelievable how turning back an hour everyday can affect a human body this much, but these facts can't be ignored. So, is America ready to do away with Daylight Saving Time?