"Bones" season 10 has been doing neither good nor bad in the ratings department. Ratings have certainly gone down since the first season — which is something quite expected of TV shows running this long — but considering its mediocre ratings, will Fox finally pull the plug on the long-running series?
There's still no news of Fox picking up "Bones" for an 11th season. This begs the question if the show will be renewed or cancelled. According to TV Line, Fox hasn't made the renewal yet, but there's no question that they'll do. The only thing to ask now is when the renewal will happen.
Season 10 of "Bones" isn't that bad. It has decent ratings for a Thursday night program, which is something Fox is very appreciative of, given that the timeslot is a pretty slow one for the network. Because of this, Fox may just still rely on "Bones'" pulling power.
This is very good news for all fans of the show, even for actress Emily Deschanel who plays the lead female star in the series. Deschanel's and David Boreanaz's contracts will expire after season 10, but the two don't seem ready to say goodbye yet.
"I'm up for it, yeah. I feel like there's still more to tell," says Deschanel.
For an actress who has played her role for 10 season, it's quite a surprise that she's still up to it. Nonetheless, Deschanel also knows that there are other factors to consider.
"The network has to pick it up, for one. And people have [expiring] contracts. But under certain circumstances, I would definitely consider [returning]," she said.
Now that one of the show's lead stars has expressed her interest for another season, showrunner Stephen Nathan believes that the show must go on, too.
"We don't feel that the show lacks life or the characters lack places to go," he said.
It certainly looks like there's still a lot of story to tell. Hopefully, Fox picks it up for another season to give every "Bones" fan some peace of mind.