Black Friday has come and is almost gone, but Cyber Monday is just around the corner and it's something gaming fans should look forward to. Top gaming retailers are pushing video game prices down and as early as now, avid gamers should already decide what they'll buy and where to buy. Here are the deals:
Best Buy
Best Buy has always been great with deals and sales, so expect it to be no different this shopping weekend. First up is the Xbox One 500 GB Console Kinect Bundle with "Assassin's Creed Unity," "Assassin's Creed: Black Flag," "Dance Central Spotlight," and a bonus controller. This is priced at $429.99 only and buyers will save $70 for it. However, this deal is only available from Nov. 27 to 29.
Other deals include the $20 PS4 and Xbox games. Shoppers can get "Call of Duty: Ghosts," "MLB 14: The Show," "The Walking Dead: Season Two," "Killzone: Shadow Fall," "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition," "Infamous: Second Son," and "The Elder Scrolls: Online (save $40)."
$25 game deals for PS4 and Xbox One include "Just Dance 2015," "Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor," "The Evil Within," "Forza Motorsport 5," "Titanfall," "Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition" and "Wolfenstein: The New Order."
As for the $30 games for PS4 and Xbox One, there are the latest EA games including "Watch Dogs," "NBA 2K15," "FIFA 15," "Diablo III: Reaper of Souls," and "Madden NFL 15."
Over at Amazon, there are tons of great deals on video games, too. "Grand Theft Auto V" is 40 percent off for the last-gen versions. "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag" is only $12, "Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII" is only $25, and "Infamous: Second Son" is $34. The "Titanfall" Xbox One version is $24, and the "Tomb Raider definite edition" is only $30 on Xbox One and $38 on PS4.
Other PS4 games are priced for as low as $19.00, while other Xbox One titles are priced the same as other games, ranging from $9 to $30.