"Batman: Arkham Knight" was successfully launched in the older consoles like Xbox 360 and PS3. Now, it's time for next generation console owners to give it a go. "Arkham Knight" will be released in PS4 and Xbox One, but the release date has been delayed to 2015.
According to a report by Kpopstarz, DC showed the game trailer at WonderCon and, at the same time, DC also announced that the release date of the game will be pushed to 2015. The reason for the delay was not made public.
Meanwhile, recent reports are saying that Rocksteady is unsure whether they will release the Xbox One version of the game in Japan. This is because Microsoft's Xbox is doing poorly in the Japan market and, if this is the case, it will not be a good move to even release the game there. But according to Air Herald, "Batman: Arkham Knight" Xbox One is good to go in other countries.
If Japan won't be able to experience the new version of the game, they'll miss a more "challenging" Batman game. DC Comics and Rocksteady Studios made the game a lot more interesting with the addition of new characters -- villains that will make Batman's crusade more challenging.
"We hadn't in the previous games introduced someone new to the universe. We wanted to introduce someone who could really challenge Batman to go head to head with him in lots of different ways. We're not talking about those ways just yet but this guy is definitely a formidable foe for Batman," co-founder of Rocksteady Studios Sefton Hill said.
The new villains also have a bigger purpose in Gotham. While Batman's arch enemies Penguin, Harley Quinn and Two-Face are wreaking havoc in Gotham, there's one super villain that will take Batman out of his element, and this is what the developers are aiming for.
"It came from thinking about the way that we built interactions and engagements between Batman and the other members of the rouges gallery. They all reflect some aspect of his personality. Each of the super-villains connects with Batman in a very specific way and he is a collection of all of those things, but we never really had a villain who can engage with Batman of a physical, powerful, combat level," producer Dax Ginn told Play-Mag.
Fans can get a closer look at "Batman: Arkham Knight" and its gameplay. This should keep gamers excited until its release next year.