It's really no surprise how Anne Hathaway is always dedicated when it comes to her craft. In "Interstellar," her dedication to her role was once again tested. But this time, it put her health at risk.
At a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Christopher Nolan and the stars of "Interstellar" were very candid in answering any questions thrown their way. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain were with Nolan on the "Interstellar" roundtable and divulged some behind-the-scenes secrets.
This is when Hathaway decided to share her not-so good experience on the set. After hours of wearing a leaking space suit and her feet submerged in cold water, Hathaway felt something she never felt before.
"I was feeling all sorts of weird flashes and things were getting a little hazy around the edges, and that's when I turned to our first [assistant director], and I said, 'Hey, I don't know that much about hypothermia, but what are the symptoms? Hathaway narrated.
"And I explained what was going on, and he said, "Oh! Like, right now?" And I'm like, "Yeah!" And so then he went over to Chris [Nolan], and Chris was like, 'OK — let's roll, let's roll, let's roll right now!" she added.
But while her health almost suffered for a scene, Hathaway was in great health answering questions with her co-stars. Man of the hour McConaughey was also in a great mood to share some on his experienced and opinions.
THR asked McConaughey how Nolan brought the film to them before shooting started. McConaughey answered "He didn't say, 'Here's some homework.' But one of the things I noticed very early on was that he's always on to something original."
The actor added "I remember the dust storm. What dust storm do you have that's actually in a downpour? We were shooting the dust storm and saying it was raining! I was like, "[That's hardly] ideal for a dust storm." He goes, "No, but I don't think it's been done before. It's original."
Then THR asked what they'd miss most if they were to ride a spaceship to space? Nolan said "I would miss the wind. I would miss air."
"A breeze," Hathaway briefly answered.
"What would I miss? I like the obstacles here on the ground. They're tangible. I have a conception of them. I have a sense of the mortality here. I don't know where that period or that comma is down the line, but I have a sense [of] the way to navigate this place. And it still gives me great wonder. It's still an incredible mystery, and the path gives me a different buzz each time. I'm still very turned on daily about what happens here," McConaughey eloquently answered.