Sony Pictures' "The Amazing Spider-Man" was not as successful as Sony expected. Even the unbeatable chemistry of Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone couldn't save the franchise when it came to those ticket sales. Hence, Sony is finding a way to make the movie franchise work. After all, no one wants to say goodbye to Spidey.
Recently, there's rumor going around that Marvel's "The Avengers 3" will be split into two movies. What does it have to do with Spider-Man? You'll know in a bit. Moving on, splitting the third movie into two movies is actually tricky for Marvel to do. The main reason is that the contracts of the actors are almost up and they're going to use up the films they were contracted for.
Will Marvel renew their contract for the split finale? Not likely. According to the rumors, "The Avengers" will no longer be the main highlight of "The Avengers 3" because Marvel is shaking up the Marvel universe. And that's where our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man comes in the picture.
Sony is rumored to be planning to share "The Amazing Spider-Man" with Marvel, in the hopes of reviving the movie franchise. Hitflix first reported on this and clearly stated that all this information isn't verified yet. However, if it is true, it will be a win-win situation for both Sony and Marvel.
For Sony, they get to work with Marvel, the most successful superhero movie maker of all time. For Marvel, they can benefit through having an iconic and classic superhero under their wing, thereby, expanding the Marvel Universe even more.
Just the thought of Marvel working on "The Amazing Spider-Man" is keeping everyone on the edge of their feet. For sure, this will take the Sony movie franchise into new heights. And needless to say, Spider-Man might just show up in "The Avengers 3" if the deal pushes through.