3 things Christian husbands should do to their wives to make them feel secure

Husbands need to make their wives feel secured as they journey together in life. Pixabay

Every one of us Christian husbands must learn to prioritize our marriages. God gave us one wife, and we should do our best to make them feel secure in our love. This is important and will affect the marriage greatly.

Why is this important?

My fellow husbands, security is an important thing for our beloved wife. I'm not just talking about financial security -- I'm talking about emotional and relational security.

While many husbands work hard to earn a decent, even more than enough income, not as many husbands realize that they should also work hard to ensure that their wives feel loved, cherished, and valued the way God wants them to be. This is what I'm talking about.

It's not enough for us to look for an honest and decent living, and be present at home but absent emotionally. We must look beyond ourselves and think of ways to make our wife feel the way she should: loved, cherished, prized, treasured, and desired.

In this article we'll look at three important things we need to do so that we can make our wife feel secure in our love.

Things we should do to our wife to make her feel secure

1) Let go of any emotional baggage

Many men marry their wives while carrying emotional baggage with them. These unnecessary weights cause friction in the marriage, hurt the wife, and make her feel betrayed, unwanted, and unloved.

What baggages are we talking about?

Uncut relationships, connections, and memories with ex-girlfriends. Soul ties with others, not necessarily past romantic relationships. These, and more, affect the marriage. They influence our thoughts, our decisions, and consequently our relationship with our wife.

While we must be honest with our wife and don't hide our past from her, we must stop going back to what's behind us. We must throw these away.

God Himself said we must forget the past, and see the new thing that He is doing: our marriage with the woman He gave to be our wife.

2) Let go of friendships with other women

Next, we must choose to let go of our friendships with other women.

Now you might think that I'm extreme in this, but we must be thorough in our decision to love our wife and treat her as God wants us to: single-minded and focused, like Christ loved the church.

Of course I don't mean to say make enemies with female friends. What I am saying is that our friendships with them have to be put behind us. If they're authentic, they must befriend our wife.

As for us, we focus on the only woman in our lives: our wife.

3) Choose to prioritize her over the boys

Guys, our marriages have to be prioritized over our time with the boys.

Many married men still go out with their male friends as if they were still single, forgetting that their wives are there at home, worrying over their safety and waiting for them to come home so they can spend time together.

While it's good to have friends, every Christian husband must learn to put friendships in a level way lower than marriage.

Why? It's because there's no other relationship that's as important as the one we have with our wife. God first, wife second, kids third, and relatives next.