Engaging rural communities with the Gospel
Coming from the countryside herself, Jessie Walrond is passionate about equipping churches in rural churches to best serve and engage their communities
Saint David's Day and the Sound of Wales
Raising the roof for Wales' patron saint
Re-evangalising secular Europe
The head of church planting for the Free Evangelical Church of Germany talks about a new course which he has aimed directly at the Secular Postmodern core of modern Europe.
Equip your church to be at the heart of community
Training day to be rolled out across London, Hertfordshire and Wiltshire in March
Social justice and the church: Without justice how can you love?
On International Social Justice day, Christian Today talks to Peter Vander Meulen, coordinator for the Social Justice Office of the Christian Reformed Church, to ask him what social justice is, and how the Church can be more involved.
The Kingdom expands when Christians take risks for the Gospel
Impact Nations Steve Stewart says Christians grow in effectiveness for the Kingdom when they take risks
Threat of famine in South Sudan
"People are on the edge of starvation and, if nothing happens, people will fall into that situation" â Mgr Roko Taban Mousa
Will Graham: Money cannot change the human heart
Evangelist Will Graham shared the grace and hope of Jesus Christ with 33,100 people in Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, over the weekend.
Sharing the blessings in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes residents are looking forward to seeing what local young Christians might do during the next half-term after a successful community-focused outreach during the last half-term
Sharing the Gospel during the Winter Olympics
International ministry OneHope is capitalising on the "Olympic-sized opportunity" to share the love of God during the Winter Games in Russia.
The 'disconnect' between church and men
Two of the largest Christian ministries in the UK have entered into a 10-year partnership with the vision of seeing one million men engage with the Church by 2024.
Miracle Street: Sharing the Gospel with people where they are, doing what they do
Steve Lee admits to a quirky personality and a big voice, but it's these he believes God is using to present the Gospel of Jesus on the streets
University's Christian Union celebrates growth
Harper Adams University's Christian Union has just had one of its most successful years to date, having celebrated a doubling in membership.
From Messy Church to Messy Cathedral
Formality was put to one side at St Paul's Cathedral for a few hours on Saturday when it became a 'Messy Cathedral' for the day.
Mission: When neighbours become good friends
The mission field is about to be brought to the front door as The Neighbourhood Watch tour traverses the country.