Easter 2014: Share the miracle through random acts of kindness
The idea is the brainchild of Dan Usher, who, in Easter 2013, bought 100 eggs and gave them away in his local community. He had such a great response that the vision has grown, Sharethemiracle was born and in 2014 the vision is to see 5,000 eggs given away nationwide.
Two pastors in Bhutan detained without charge
Christians are not legally recognised in the South Asian country and only Buddhists and Hindus can register their communities as legal entities
Christians 'need to see Hollywood as a mission field'
Darren Aronofsky's Noah looks to be doing well by box office standards, but many in the religious community still regard it with skepticism. We asked a Christian film expert why that is.
Towards a habit of generosity
The 40acts campaign is challenging individuals to be generous on a daily basis this Lent
Communicating Christianity in the era of the individual
"We don't talk about 'we' any more. Only 'I'. Unless we want something, then we say 'we have rights', and 'we' is just a tool for 'I'," says Lord Daniel Brennan
'I.Am': a new film to reach people outside of churches
March saw the completion of the 'I.Am' film, a short musical and dramatic interpretation of some of the major stories within the Bible.
The horrible truth about child trafficking in the UK
New Chair of Love146 Tania Bright-Cook talks about human trafficking and exploitation in the UK, and why 2014 is a key year in eradicating modern day slavery.
1,000 South Koreans to visit UK on prayer mission
A thousand South Korean Christians will be visiting the UK this September as part of a country-wide prayer mission.
Enslaved by cocoa
Almost 40 per cent of the cocoa used to make chocolate comes from the Ivory Coast, where thousands of children as young as ten are working in horrendous conditions, trafficked from their homes and families, to satisfy our cravings. Stop the Traffik is calling for change.
Making more of Easter
Two brothers on a mission to change the city
A gap year for God
When Rosie Elwood had the chance to take a gap year, she could have gone anywhere but she chose to stay at home and share the love of God with her local community
Albania: Self-sufficient future for hungry families
The lives of hungry families in Albania are being transformed thanks to simple packets of vegetable seeds.
'Urgent need' for trained street evangelists
OAC's Steve Gurnett is passionate about seeing more Christians answer the call to take God's love to the streets
Hope Revolution: Engaging young people in a lifestyle of mission
Young people all over the UK are preparing to lead missional activities over the May bank holiday weekend, in the hopes of creating "a riot of love to transform communities for the better".
Love Your Streets: #Do1NiceThing
A new campaign has been launched to encourage people all over the UK to take part in building community this Lent.