Christian groups help thousands of girls serving as Hindu temple prostitutes in India and Nepal
This form of female slavery has been around since ancient times, and yet not that many people are apparently aware of its existence outside its country of origin.
Heart attack sufferer 'visited' by angels at his hospital bed and home, delivering God's healing power
Don would not be alive today were if not for the angels that visited him as he lay hovering between life and death on his hospital bed and then later inside his own home.
Prayer relieves woman's horrendous headache after road accident
Here's another reason to leave all your physical pain and suffering to the Lord, because He indeed heals.
Christian shot by Muslim hater saved others before he died
Following the footsteps of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our salvation, the 37-year-old Arab Christian man killed by a supposed Muslim hater reportedly saved the lives of at least two people, including his mother, before he was shot dead.
Man in horrific crash sees vision of God in 'glowing chariot' flying through the air, lifting and saving him
Michael Fogarty was already clinically dead when rescuers came to pry him loose from his car after a horrific road accident in Cumberland, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
Mainstream media sees revival breaking out in America as more people feel need to have God in their lives
It is the height of irony: Revival is now taking place all over the United States at a time when Christianity is reportedly on the decline.
Jesus melts heart of man who hated God after losing his legs in California train accident
Mexican immigrant Juan Cruz lost both his legs when he was run over by a train after making his way to California. However, those missing legs don't mean much to him now because he found "something better": Jesus Christ.
Christian persecution in India surges in first half of 2016; radical Hindus see threat to culture, identity
Hindu radicals are intensifying their persecution of Christians across India with no end in sight.
Continued persecution: Christian leader in China gets 7 years in jail for 'harming social stability'
Christian church leader Hu Shigen has been sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in China, as the communist country continues its crackdown against human rights activists.
World Vision CEO addresses Hamas money funneling scandal
Kevin Jenkins, president and chief executive officer of World Vision International, has vowed to uncover the truth behind the accusations made against the organisation's Gaza director, Mohammad El Halabi, who reportedly diverted millions of dollars from the humanitarian group to the Islamist terrorist organisation Hamas.
Pastor proves that 'God can move mountains' with miraculous healing of his 4-decade old asthma affliction
God can indeed "move mountains" in people's lives.
Muslims turned believers feel Christ's presence in Lebanon as they minister to Syrian refugees
"The love of Christ burns inside them."
Christian minister on a mission to bring morality back in American politics
At a time when politics in the United States seems to look like a whirlwind of decadence, a Christian minister is seeking to reintroduce morality back in the minds of the public.
Faith-based groups mobilise to aid victims of worst Louisiana floods since Superstorm Sandy in 2012
Faith-based groups are showing to the flood-stricken people of the U.S. state of Louisiana that God loves them as aid continues to pour despite the hardships.
Engineer from devout Buddhist family finds fulfillment in Christian faith
How does one move away from a religion that has been passed generation after generation in one's family to a more fulfilling faith? Engineer Alex Chu tells us how.