Should Christians use Tinder?
Tinder has nearly 4 million paid subscribers, making it one of the most popular dating apps around.
7 ways to recapture your spiritual get up and go
Does tiredness turn you into a spiritual sloth?
People who believe in creationism are also more likely to believe conspiracy theories, say researchers
A team of researchers at the University of Fribourg claims to have found a link between creationists and belief in conspiracy theories.
How should Christians view Sunday?
The Sabbath Day was meant to be "Father's Day" every week.
What kind of God kills millions of people because He's angry?
Our moral compass says killing is wrong. And we punish people all the time for murder. So what makes God's decision different?
How should Christians respond when a leader makes a mistake?
We will not be rewarded for tearing others down but God loves it when we build others up.
When being Christian makes you less Christlike
In light of the comments some time back by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Romans 13 and the plight of people seeking asylum, I have been reminded to think about what it means to be Christian.
HIV â Transmission, Risk Reduction, and Treatment
(Partner Post) Contrary to popular belief, HIV cannot be spread by casual contact with an infected person like shaking hands, hugging, or even closed-mouth kissing, and by coming into contact with doorknobs, toilet seats or dishes used by persons with HIV.
The spiritual benefits - and pitfalls - of routine
There are some real benefits to routine, but there are also downfalls.
The truth about people in two words
There's a gem of wisdom I've gleaned over decades of my life experience, plus from observing the lives and experiences of people I know, in addition to extensive research.
Is this a church or a nightclub?
As I entered the dark room with flashing bright colourful lights that were cutting through the darkness like lightning bolts, I instantly questioned whether I had entered the doors of a church or had stepped into a nightclub.
How Compassion changes lives: we meet the graduates who prove charity sponsorship works
Bonny and Brenda, both graduates of the Compassion programme, tell their own stories in their own words.
Cool trimmers for men to maintain their classy and sporty look
(Partner Post) Men like keeping beards and especially now that they are in fashion.
Church is not a business, says Soul Survivor's Mike Pilavachi â it's a family
What's notable about 'Lifelines' is the way itdraws on the authors' personal experience and on their immersion in the real-life stories of God's people today.
Fantastic Memes and Where to Find Them, Part 2
Shooting down a quotation doesn't necessarily prove anyone right or wrong, but the gripe is with people who victoriously parade such quotes like placards of objective truth.