Pumpkins can be heroes: New Halloween resource from World Vision
As Hallowe'en approaches next month, churches around the UK are gearing up to provide wholesome alternatives to the emphasis on the dark side of the season.
Child-free by choice: Why it can be something to celebrate
My sister has chosen not to have children and chosen not to be a mother.
Good news from the edge: Why I'm excited by ministry in the suburbs
'Do you realise that people die of boredom in the London suburbs? It's the biggest cause of death amongst the English in general.'
The lying voices of the enemy â and how to tell a different story
It's normally the middle of the night when the enemy's lies shout loudest in my ear.
The gift of silence: How to pray without words
The times when I have most felt the desire to pray have also been the times when words have felt too small, too hollow, too empty.
Chris Pratt says nothing fills his soul more than sharing his Christian faith with others
Chris Pratt is one of Hollywood's biggest stars but he is also a committed Christian who has used his platform to share his faith more than once, and it seems from his latest comments he has no intention of stopping.
'I do not have an enemy': An Israeli pastor's powerful testimony of forgiveness after the death of his son
The blow that struck a pastor and his wife from a village near Nazareth has led to the gospel being shared in a powerful way as their testimonies have gone viral.
Casting pearls: What God taught me this summer about judging by appearances
We also, I am sure, all know people who we think that it is simply pointless to share our faith with.
Huge Bible slogan up for 4 Guinness World Records
A huge slogan painted on a bare Mexican hillside is in the running for no less than four Guinness World Records.
My love-hate relationship with praying scripture
Although I admired women who could spout off scripture mid-prayer and knew praying God's word back to him was powerful, I also found them slightly pretentious.
Children who grow up in a religious household have better physical and mental health as adults
A new study has found that people who have a religious upbringing grow up to have better physical and mental health than the rest of the population.
Grace: It's for suffering Christians, not super-heroes
Last week I heard someone suggest that if they were to ever get a tattoo it would say, 'Grace given to me, for others.'
Love song to a free, church, festival
A Jesus jamboree, a faith and justice festival featuring all flavours from the length and breadth of our broadest Communion.
Parents of boy killed by alligator 'blessed' with birth of baby boy
The family of a two-year-old boy killed by an alligator near a Disney resort in Florida say they have been blessed by God with another baby.
At the turn of the year, Jews return to G-d
Last week, on Rosh Hashana (the Head or Beginning of the Year), we were inscribed in G-d's book and beginning on Tuesday evening, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, our fate will be sealed.