Former nurse shares 'traumatising experience' of comforting babies born alive after failed abortions
Under the Conservatives' proposed extreme abortion framework for Northern Ireland, there are no protections for babies who survive abortions.
Couples who co-habit before marriage are less sexually fulfilled after tying the knot - study
"Couples who did (versus did not) cohabit were less sexually satisfied initially and over time; couples with longer (versus shorter) courtships experienced less steep declines in sexual satisfaction over time."
Knowing the preciousness of time is the key to living a godly and meaningful life
Time is the most valuable asset that God has given us.
Baby with swollen head that doctors suggested be terminated is defying expectations
A baby boy born with a swollen head is defying doctors who told his mother to terminate her pregnancy because he wouldn't survive birth.
99-year-old who's read through the whole Bible 60 times is aiming for 61
"I've been through the Bible 60 times and I might as well make it 61."
Life is art, even if it's messy
When I think of my life through the lens of art it looks messy, incomplete, rough around the edges, full of pencil markings, and faint lines I've tried to erase. It doesn't look anything like the works of art I admire so much in the Art Institute of Chicago.
One man's painful gender detransition journey
Now suffering from a host of medical complications as a result of years of hormone treatment, including phantom pain in his groin and bouts of severe depression, 'Fitz' is five years into his detransition journey and is reintegrating with his anatomically male body.
Entertainment has replaced Jesus as the way, the truth, the life
The tragedy is that entertainment now not only permeates our time, but also our ways of living, thinking, relating, and even worshipping.
A good children's programme is a draw for many Christian parents
Committed Christian parents are attracted to churches with strong children's programmes, new research by Barna has found.
The lessons in faith I learned from my baby
It is a brand new year and I have been reflecting on what I learned the past year. Interestingly, because I had been staying home to look after my little one, I had learned a lot from him.
Make time for a Soul Journey this Lent
For many Christians, Lent offers an invitation into an extended period of reflection, an opportunity to re-calibrate our lives and align ourselves more fully to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Find the most compatible person or be one?
The down side to seeking total compatibility is that in the end, no one is!
Pastor who came back to life after being dead for 15 minutes credits prayer
A pastor in the UK who miraculously came back to life after being dead for 15 minutes has credited the "power of prayer" and "divine providence" for saving him.
Golden moments among the mess
Have you ever had an idea of how something is going to go and then reality happens, and it all goes quite differently? Whilst this happens at any stage of your life, I think it is especially true when you have small children.
I'm giving you one last chance God
Outwardly I was making my way through life "okay," but the internal gears were grinding hard.