Affairs shouldn't permanently disqualify pastors from the pulpit - poll
Pastors who commit adultery should withdraw from the pulpit but only temporarily, according to most church leaders surveyed in a new poll.
Most people are looking forward to a return to in-person church services - poll
Most Christians have been content to attend church digitally during the pandemic but Pew research finds that they are also eager to get back into the pews.
Out with the old, in with the new? Survey reveals changing attitudes towards 'Christianese'
Older Christians may be comfortable with "winning souls" for Christ, but a new study by Barna suggests their younger counterparts could be squirming at such words.
We may not always feel confident but we must share the Gospel
When we come in contact with Jesus, there is absolutely no way we can keep it to ourselves.
TV is the distraction of choice during Covid-19, not the Bible - survey
People are escaping the challenges of Covid-19 by turning on the TV instead of reading the Bible, a new Pew survey has revealed.
Pilgrimage in the age of Covid-19
Rituals have often been adapted in the face of difficult circumstances.
More people believe salvation can be earned
Christians who think it's enough to be a good person in order to be saved outweigh those who believe Jesus is the only way to salvation, a new survey has found.Â
Dear husbands, a word about sex
Too many Christian men think "sex starts in the kitchen" but they're getting it all wrong.
Long-term relationships are no longer modelled as the norm, but they should be
There is a lot of emotional pain and grief in constantly changing partners which is never acknowledged by today's culture.
Professors issue correction to paper on mental health benefits of 'gender-affirming' surgeries
Two professors who published a paper last year on the mental health benefits of 'gender-affirming' surgeries now say their original conclusions were "too strong".
Wellbeing levels fell during the pandemic but improved under lockdown
Lockdowns are seemingly vital for controlling Covid-19. Early evidence suggests they have a big effect on preventing deaths. But if we're to keep using them, we also need to know their broader impacts. Many people are worried about lockdowns also having a negative effect on mental health.
Josephine Butler's work to free women from the evils of prostitution is as relevant now as it was a century and a half ago
Josephine Butler is little known today despite being one of the most important Englishwomen of the nineteenth century, working tirelessly for decades to rescue prostitutes and prevent women being trafficked into prostitution.
Have you ever questioned God?
There are no easy answers to the hard questions about God, the Christian faith and the difficulties of life.
Proportion of married people is declining - ONS
The proportion of adults in Britain who are marrying is in steady decline, the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.
My problem with Netflix
If only Netflix was trustworthy and family-friendly and not stewing their cutting edge monopoly in pornographic content and sexual depravity of all kinds.