What is the Biblical way to view our secular work?
Whatever job we are in, we are to keep in mind that Jesus Christ is our Lord, and God is our Supreme Boss.
3 ways to serve the people around you without getting a big head
The Lord Jesus teaches us that when we give or serve, we are not to do it for the sake of getting people to applaud and appreciate us.
3 practical tips for men in fighting against sexual lust
Sexual lust. It's an enemy of us Christian men all over the world.
3 things God intended that only you could do
There are so many people in this world, and yet God made all of us distinct.
How to overcome the temptations that normally defeat you
Every Christian gets tempted every once in a while, and at times many of us fall for it.
Why people-pleasing is so bad for your faith and your emotional health
Is it wrong to ignore certain people if you're a Christian? Let's talk about that.
3 Christmas activities that will help you understand God's love for you
Christmas is a time for us to get to know God and His love for us. Here are a few activities that we can do to help us understand God's love for us.
3 things every Christian should be thankful for this thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a great day to remember just how good God is to us. Here are 3 things every Christian should thank God for this thanksgiving.
3 ways Christians can be a blessing in the workplace
You were especially designed for the work that was prepared in advance for you to do.
3 ways to deal with liars and deceivers the Biblical way
We should be gracious, but we also shouldn't be used.
Christian dads, here's one thing your child needs from you
It takes more than just providing a home to live in, food to eat, and clothes to wear.
How should Christians deal with the loss of a friend?
There's one friend who will never leave us nor forsake us.
What to do when your prayers aren't answered
What we need to do is really obvious, actually.
USPS, FedEx, and UPS announce holiday shipping deadlines: How to send gifts in time for Christmas
The United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEX, and the United States Post Office (USPS) all released their calendar of activities to give prospective customers a heads-up regarding holiday shipping deadlines.
Sharon Tate's sister shares how Charles Manson affected the lives of her family
Cult leader Charles Manson died at the age of 83, and his death reminded of how the murders he committed affected the family of actress Sharon Tate, one of his victims.