3 things to do to avoid holiday burnout
The holidays are the most fun time of the year, but if people aren't careful, they can easily make themselves miserable by taking on more tasks than their body can handle.
3 things Christians need to know about contentment
Contentment is something we need to understand properly in order to have it. Here's what contentment is and what it's not.
3 practical tips to understanding God's word
Find God's word difficult to understand? Here are a few tips on how to understand God's word.
One way to know if you're ready for marriage
Only you can answer the question, "am I ready to marry?"
What to do when you don't feel like reading your Bible
Sometimes we just lose the drive to read God's Word. Here's how you can get it back.
Why does it actually matter that Jesus is King?
While we've certainly had some great presidents in recent years â Nelson Mandela for instance â the current crop of global leaders, fronted by men like Donald Trump, Kim Jong-Un and until recently, Robert Mugabe, have given rise to the notion that we're now in the midst of a global leadership crisis.
How to control your temper the Biblical way
We should learn to make our temper obey us - not the other way round.
3 things a Christian needs to fulfill God's call on his life
He gave us the keys to the Kingdom, and we can now live the life we were meant to live.
The best way to respond when someone is accusing you of something you haven't done
When someone brings a slanderous accusation, here's how Christians should respond.
Want God to use you? Here are 3 things you need to know
You may not start big, but if you start serving the Lord and just keep on serving Him, you will grow and soon find yourself doing things you've never thought you will ever do.
Steam autumn sale 2017: Includes 'Fallout,' 'Resident Evil' franchise games
The Autumn Sale this year went live a few days ago, and it promises to be big, yes big.
Net neutrality update: FCC proposition will restrict states from passing their own net neutrality laws
As individual cities and states tried to find ways to attempt to preserve net neutrality, at least at the local level, the new FCC proposition state that they will not allow cities and states to pass contradictory individual net neutrality laws.
Net Neutrality News 2017: FCC chairman puts forth proposition that will potentially destroy net neutrality
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai recently put forward a vote that threatens net neutrality rules.
3 things every Christian should remember when making friends
Unrighteous and wicked friends can influence us to do what is wrong
Can God use me even if have a troubled past?
We live in a world that judges us by what we did yesterday.