
Is Lent your guilty pleasure?
How evangelicals rediscovered a forgotten season

Why bother with the Bible?
This is just one of the questions the Methodist Church is seeking to answer for young people with a new short video series

Geoff Tunnicliffe to step down as head of WEA after 10 years
Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe will not be seeking a third term as Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, the organisation has confirmed

Feminism in a male-dominated Church
Women in church are expected to make the teas and coffees, and run the crèche, but they could do so much more, believes Christian feminist Natalie Collins

Freeing the supernatural in our churches
Claire Musters looks at two books on successful prayer ministry, Sustainable Power and Our Hands, His Healing

Bishop fasting in solidarity with hungry Brits
The Bishop of Taunton is one of many Christians who have responded to the call to fast during Lent in solidarity with Brits going hungry.

The spiritual pilgrimage of Lent begins with closing our mouths
The Bishop of London is asking Christians to reflect on themselves instead of judging others this Lent

Daily online reflections for Lent
Reflections will be posted to the web each day during Lent by the Archbishop of York

Calling the young to ordination
Kendalle Tanner is just one young Anglican who refuses to believe that the Church of England will die

Church planting in Europe is a 'difficult task'
Texas megachurch pastor Matt Chandler was in London today to encourage church planters with a reminder that God has not lost control of Europe

Telling the Church of England's story in 140 characters
@OurCofE is the Church of England's way of "celebrating the Christian faith in action" in communities across the country

Bring your burdens to God this Lent
Archbishop of Cardiff reaches out to troubled and over-burdened this Lent

Archbishop reflects on mental illness and depression in Pause for Thought
The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he is beginning to understand more about depression from his daughter, Katharine Welby.

Two perspectives on Michele Guinness's new book Archbishop
Claire Musters and Michael Trimmer give their verdict on Archbishop - and their conclusions are quite different!

Michele Guinness on 'Archbishop', conspiracy and women in leadership
Michele Guinness speaks to Christian Today about her new book imagining what might happen if a women were to be appointed Archbishop of Canterbury
Michele Guinness on 'Archbishop', conspiracy and women in leadership
Michele Guinness talks to Christian Today about the themes in her new book, Archbishop