
Steve Chalke: I am an evangelical, I don\'t want to give up that
Steve Chalke: I am an evangelical, I don't want to give up that

The pastor, writer and speaker responds to critics over his reading of Scripture

Clergy happiness: \'It\'s the faith and hope that keep us going\'
Clergy happiness: 'It's the faith and hope that keep us going'

Clergy apparently have the most job satisfaction of any profession

Parliament celebrates 20 years of women in the Church of England
Parliament celebrates 20 years of women in the Church of England

MPs express desire to see women appointed bishops sooner rather than later

Church of England attendance remains stable
Church of England attendance remains stable

The Church of England today released its attendance statistics for 2012, revealing no significant change in levels of attendance over the last 10 years.

Cathedrals to receive £20m for urgent repairs
Cathedrals to receive £20m for urgent repairs

A new £20m fund has been announced in the Chancellor's Budget today to help cathedrals foot the cost of urgent repairs.

Beating off the loan sharks together
Beating off the loan sharks together

A new centre opened in an East Durham church hall this week will help people access a credit union instead of turning to ruthless loan sharks.

Mark Driscoll apologises for being \'angry young prophet\'
Mark Driscoll apologises for being 'angry young prophet'

Megapastor Mark Driscoll has responded to a recent wave of criticism with a statement in which he contends "my angry young prophet days are over".

Letting actions speak louder than words in Pakistan
Letting actions speak louder than words in Pakistan

Bishop Tony Robinson and Canon Yuqub Masih visited Gojra in Pakistan to promote interfaith relations and foster unity between Christians and Muslims.

Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis unite to combat slavery
Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis unite to combat slavery

The Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis have backed a landmark initiative that will see the Anglican and Catholic Churches unite to combat modern slavery.

Pope Francis: His strength lies in leading by serving
Pope Francis: His strength lies in leading by serving

On the anniversary of Pope Francis' election to papacy, Dr Austen Ivereigh gave an address on the Pope's reforms and their implications for the wider Church.

Pastor Bobby Davis drops dead in church after confessing infidelity
Pastor Bobby Davis drops dead in church after confessing infidelity

Bishop Bobby Davis of the Miracle Faith World Outreach Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut was pronounced dead at Bridgeport hospital later that day.

Joel Osteen\'s church robbed of $600k
Joel Osteen's church robbed of $600k

Megapastor Joel Osteen's Houston church was victim to a $600,000 robbery this week, as cheques and cash were stolen from a safe.

Get on your bike: bishop ditches car for Lent challenge
Get on your bike: bishop ditches car for Lent challenge

Rather than the usual fare of no chocolate, caffeine or cake, the Bishop of Ramsbury has taken on an unusual challenge this Lent; he's given up the use of his car.

John Ortberg\'s megachurch to leave PCUSA at a cost of $9m
John Ortberg's megachurch to leave PCUSA at a cost of $9m

Popular Christian author and leader of Menlo Park Presbyterian John Ortberg has announced that his Californian church will be leaving the PCUSA.

The Year of Pope Francis
The Year of Pope Francis

We look back at the first year of Pope Francis' papacy

\'A moment in history\': 20 years of women priests
'A moment in history': 20 years of women priests

The Reverend Prebendary Angela Berners-Wilson has been giving her thoughts on what it was like to be one of the first female priests in the Church of England 20 years ago today.