
One in three church leaders have low morale - what would cheer them up?
Widespread clergy demoralisation shows the need for clearer vision and better training, writes Mark Woods.

Lambeth prayer community is 'a thing of God, it can't be anything else' says new Prior
Rev Anders Litzell says the Community of St Anselm will draw on old and new traditions, like "a re-bottling of a fine vintage claret".

'Working for peace begins on our knees': Archbishop's chaplain on prayer
Ruth Gledhill sat down with Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Jo Wells, to learn more about the upcoming prayer community at Lambeth Palace.

Pope appoints English Archbishop to senior Vatican post
The Pope has appointed an English Archbishop to one of the most senior posts in the Vatican.

Which kind of church appeals to Millennials? It's not as trendy and modern as you think
New research by the Barna group paints a complex picture of the tastes of Millennials.

Conservative Christians are losing the argument: here's why
It's not about what's being said, it's about how you say it, says Martin Saunders.

John Piper on how to to tell if your pastor is a bully
"There are bad shepherds," says the Desiring God theologian

Almost a quarter of US churches are overspending
Almost one in four Protestant churches in the US are spending more than their budgets allow, a new survey has found.

J John: Culture in Britain has changed, now opposes Christians
Leading British evangelist Canon J John has warned that the cultural climate for Christians in Britain has changed from support to opposition.

Reform in Rome - will Pope Francis get his way?
What is happening in the Catholic Church after the attempted reforms at the Extraordinary Synod? Ruth Gledhill takes an in depth look at Pope Francis as a leader.

Vatican issues staff with financial ethics guidebook
The Vatican has issued staff with a manual on economic ethics and accountability, as part of Pope Francis' effort to clean up the Holy See's finance.

Billy Graham at 96: what we can learn from the great evangelist
The legacy of the icon of 20th century Gospel preaching.
That video, and nine other reasons I love Nadia Bolz-Weber
After her Nines Conference video stunt, Helen Coffey goes a bit fangirl for Nadia Bolz-Weber.

'New era' hailed in Evangelical-Roman Catholic relationships
Pope Francis and representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance signal common ground.

Rick Warren joins the Vatican for conference on marriage and family life
Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren will be among the religious leaders from around the world taking part in a Vatican conference on marriage and the family this month.

Decline and fall: the slow erosion of Mars Hill
How a successful ministry became an object lesson in the dangers of a cult of personality.