
Apocalypse Soon: how End Times theology drives American evangelicals
You can't understand American evangelicalism without getting to grips with End Times theology, says Matthew Avery Sutton.

Lesbian foot-washing gets Jamaica pastor in hot water
Father Sean Major-Campbell's innovation in an Advent service was a step too far for some in the congregation.

Pope Francis calls for rethink on treatment of divorcees
The Pope is asking bishops and priests around the world to consider whether Orthodox church practice might be the best way forward to resolve the crisis over divorce and remarriage.

Middle East priest: 'Don't bomb Islamic State, they will destroy themselves from within'.
A senior priest and Arab Christian from the Middle East has called on the West not to attempt to defeat Islamic State by bombing.

Pope Francis: Don't proselytise, instead heal the sick and seek the lost
In a major newspaper interview, the Pope has called for clergy to reconnect with people.

'Bible says homosexuality is capital crime': Arizona pastor who called for gays to be executed is unrepentant
Steven Anderson maintains position in TV interview, claims biblical warrant for hate speech.

Pope Francis says the Church should welcome divorcees, help families of homosexuals
Pope Francis says the Church should welcome divorcees, help families of homosexuals

Mars Hill leaders may face racketeering charges
Former deacon prepares lawsuit, alleges diversion of funds.

Don't break with democracy, Pope urges Argentina
Pope Francis is pleading with the people of his native Argentinia to work together to preserve peace and democracy ahead of elections.

Prosecutor freezes 16 million euros in accounts owned by former Vatican bank managers and lawyer
Two former Vatican managers and a lawyer are being investigated over suspicions that they embezzled money from the sale of Vatican-owned property to their own bank accounts.

Scammer pretending to be Craig Groeschel tries to fleece the innocent of hundreds of dollars through Facebook
Beth Gentry, a native of Oklahoma City, she almost got scammed after she sent a fake Facebook account of Groeschel for prayers.
Sex lives of Irish priests revealed, some part of 'strong clerical gay scene'
A sociologist and former seminarian has revealed the sexual struggles of Catholic priests in a new book.

Rick Warren on Roman Catholicism: 'We have more in common than what divides us'
Saddleback pastor risks the wrath of conservatives by attempting to build bridges with Catholics.

Church of Scotland: Will online outreach help ailing attendance figures?
Moderator says it needs to include those who relate electronically as well as those who attend.

Church of England to appoint first 'headship' bishop
The Church of England is to appoint its first bishop explicitly chosen because of his conservative evangelical stance against the consecration of women.

Government provides £15 million to save crumbling church buildings
As Britain prepares for a winter forecast to be one of the worst on record, new funds have been earmarked by the Government to save crumbling churches.