
Pope didn\'t approve plan to allow divorced Catholics to receive holy Communion, says German cardinal
Pope didn't approve plan to allow divorced Catholics to receive holy Communion, says German cardinal

German Cardinal Walter Kasper, who single-handedly caused the Church's teaching on Communion, marriage, and divorce, has denied that Pope Francis did not approve his proposal of allowing divorced-and-civilly-remarried Catholics to receive holy Communion after a period of repentance.

Benedictine monks believe Georgian chants can help make people\'s lives better
Benedictine monks believe Georgian chants can help make people's lives better

The Benedictine monks of Norcia truly believe that Gregorian chants will make people's lives better, especially since music can help heal the soul.

Catholic Church \'flourishing\' as African and Asian priests become missionaries to the UK
Catholic Church 'flourishing' as African and Asian priests become missionaries to the UK

Thriving churches in the developing world are sending clergy to Europe to help meet a growing shortage.

Church of England bans lobby groups from interfering over women bishops
Church of England bans lobby groups from interfering over women bishops

Lobby groups and special interest organisations in the Church of England will be barred from complaining about clergy or bishops over the new rules on make and female bishops.

Catholic charity attacks \'hurtful\' campaign that forced executive out over same-sex marriage
Catholic charity attacks 'hurtful' campaign that forced executive out over same-sex marriage

Rick Estridge was targeted online by The Lepanto Institute, which posted personal details about him.

US Supreme Court asserts right to religious practice with hijab verdict
US Supreme Court asserts right to religious practice with hijab verdict

The right to religious practice has prevailed as the Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a clothing store wrongly discriminated against a job applicant whose Islamic beliefs required her to don a hijab.

United Methodist Church leaders hit over plan to remove gay ban in church law
United Methodist Church leaders hit over plan to remove gay ban in church law

The United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, saw a group within its leadership being criticised by fellow Methodists after the panel proposed that the denomination's law book be changed to remove prohibitions against homosexual behavior and to allow its clergy to officiate same-sex ceremonies.

FIFA corruption scandal: Vatican official says \'sports troubled by great evils\'
FIFA corruption scandal: Vatican official says 'sports troubled by great evils'

Following the corruption scandal that has rocked international football governing body Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), a Vatican official called for improvements in the field of sports, saying that it is already "troubled by great evils."

White House requiring religious groups to hire gays to receive state funds?

The White House will reportedly implement a policy to require charitable humanitarian groups including religious groups to accept LGBT applicants to qualify for government funding, a Catholic institute said.

\'Supernatural\' event: Rare rainbow halo appears during Archbishop Oscar Romero\'s beatification
'Supernatural' event: Rare rainbow halo appears during Archbishop Oscar Romero's beatification

As if the heavens were rejoicing for the official proclamation of another blessed figure, the clouds in the sky parted to reveal a rare solar rainbow halo during the beatification of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador.

GOP presidential bet Rick Santorum wants Pope Francis to stop talking about science
GOP presidential bet Rick Santorum wants Pope Francis to stop talking about science

American presidential hopeful Rick Santorum does not think Pope Francis should be discussing scientific topics.

Halt Syrian \'monstrosities\' says Archbishop in plea for Western intervention
Halt Syrian 'monstrosities' says Archbishop in plea for Western intervention

"What is the West waiting for before it intervenes?" asks Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart.

Twitter Communions: Cutting-edge digital mission or theological nonsense?
Twitter Communions: Cutting-edge digital mission or theological nonsense?

A Methodist report says that online communions "compromise the integrity of the sacrament".

Active faith leaders and pastors seen as solution to modern-day racism in America
Active faith leaders and pastors seen as solution to modern-day racism in America

Ferguson, Cleveland, and Baltimore have one thing in common: recent riotous protests against racism. But there is none of that in Sanford in Seminole County, Florida, where Trayvon Martin was shot to death by George Zimmerman in 2012.

Atheist church minister being reviewed for her \'effectiveness\'
Atheist church minister being reviewed for her 'effectiveness'

A Canadian church minister who is an atheist is being reviewed for 'effectiveness' of her ministry this month by the regional committee of the United Church of Canada.

What does it take to be a \'consecrated virgin\'?
What does it take to be a 'consecrated virgin'?

They aren't nuns, but they do choose to remain celibate for their whole lives; around 3,500 Catholic women worldwide are known as 'consecrated virgins'.