
Pope Francis encyclical: Why all the fuss about a leaked letter?
A draft of Laudato Si, the Pope's encyclical on climate change, was leaked to an Italian magazine.

Pope Francis urges all to be 'stewards of creation' regardless of creed, race and religion
Days before the release of his landmark encyclical letter, Pope Francis urged every citizen of the world to act as "stewards of creation" regardless of creed, race, and religion.

Pope Francis calls for change in people's lifestyles as his encyclical letter is leaked
A change in lifestyles and energy consumption is needed to avert the "unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem" that can cause "grave consequence" to every inhabitant of the Earth.

Children of celibacy: What happens when priests' vows are too hard to keep
For some Catholic priests, a vow made with every good intention is not so easily kept â and sometimes children are the result.

Bishops hold exorcism to 'drive away the Enemy' from Mexico
A Mexican cardinal has presided at a 'great exorcism', guided by a well-known Spanish exorcist, seeking to 'drive away the Enemy' from Mexico.

Indian bishop accuses Hindus and Muslims of 'love jihad' against Christian women
Mar Mathew Anikkuzhikkattil says that Christian women are being lured away from the faith by offers of marriage.

Gay Anglican priest begins discrimination case against Church
An Anglican priest who was barred from a job as a hospital chaplain because he is in a same-sex marriage begins his discrimination case against the Church at an employment tribunal today.

11 per cent of UK adults attend church at least once a month
Millions of people still attend church regularly in the UK and one of the things they like to do is give cash to charity, a new survey shows.
Tennessee: 16 injured in church bus crash on mission trip
A church bus left the road and smashed into a drain culvert in southeastern Tennessee on Friday.

Chinese Christians put back toppled crosses on their churches in show of defiance
Christians in officially-atheist China brave the wrath of authorities as they put back crosses knocked down by the latter atop their churches in Zheijang province, home to "China's Jerusalem."

Christian prisoner talks Iranian Muslim interrogator into embracing Christianity
A house church leader arrested in Iran for her faith has become an instrument of conversion after her Iranian interrogator shifted to Christianity.

ISIS hand seen in attacks against Christians in Palestinian Territories and Israel
Palestinian Christians have become alarmed over the alleged growing number of "radicalized" Muslim in the Palestinian Territories and Israel, which they think are linked to the Islamic State's extremist campaign in the Middle East and North Africa.

Antioch patriarchs tell Christians: Don't leave, you belong in Mideast
Antioch's five Christian patriarchs on Monday reaffirmed that Christians have a place in the Middle East as they called for peace in the Syrian civil war.

Keeping faith: 9 Christians trapped inside ancient monastery in ISIS-occupied Iraq
A group of monks and students have entrusted their lives to God as they keep refuge in an ancient monastery guarded by the Kurdish military in northern Iraq amid the threat of the Islamic State, according to a report on Tuesday.

Christians talking about Caitlyn Jenner: How not to do it
"I have no love for this Bruce freak," said Rev Stephen Anderson. "I hope he dies today."

US conservatives in last ditch defence against gay marriage
Conservative opposition in the US to the introduction of same-sex marriage is stiffening as the Supreme Court's ruling on the issue draws nearer.