
Songs of Praise in Calais: Migrant priest fears for his family if his face is shown
The Eritrean priest at the centre of the BBC Songs of Praise episode has said that he does not want his face shown.

God using Donald Trump to wake up America, says Christian faith speaker
For a famous Christian faith speaker, Trump is serving as an instrument for God and a modern "prophetic voice" to wake up America, which has recently strayed from Christian values.

'Ex Machina' film alludes to the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, says priest
Denver-based priest Father Nathan Goebel believes that the science fiction thriller film "Ex Machina" by Alex Garland is a new take on the Old Testament, since it has allusions to the garden of Eden and retells the story of Adam and Eve, but with a twist.

Pope Francis thanks Jordan for welcoming Christians escaping from ISIS persecution
Catholic Pope Francis used the first anniversary of the arrival of Iraqi refugees in Jordan to thank the country for opening their arms to displaced people who suffered from death, poverty, and violence and urged the international community not to remain indifferent to their plight.

Bishop of North Dakota diocese cuts ties with Boy Scouts for allowing gay leaders
For most of his life, Catholic Bishop David Kagan of Bismarck has been proud of his association with the Boy Scouts of America, and he is now heartbroken that he has to cut ties with the institution since they decided to welcome gay leaders into their ranks.

Chinese Christians hold protest on church roof to protect cross
Christian protesters in China have camped out for a month on the roof of their church to stop authorities from taking down its cross

Milwaukee archdiocese offers to pay $21 M to settle claims of 330 sex abuse victims
After years of bitter negotiations and protracted bankruptcy procedures, the leaders of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee finally agreed to pay a $21-million settlement to more than 300 victims of clergy abuse in the United States.

Meet the man who's in charge of leading 85 million Christians
The new Secretary General of the Anglican Communion speaks to Christian Today about the biggest challenges facing the church.

Not for the squeamish: How to kill people 2 Samuel style
The Bible is not for the squeamish, and particularly some of the more eventful books of the Old Testament.

Mideast archbishops see US discrimination against Christian refugees in grant of visas
Catholic archbishops from Iraq and Syria are speaking out in defense of displaced Christians, who are having a difficult time acquiring United States visas.

Divorced and remarried couples deserve understanding, leniency â Pope Francis
The Catholic Pope Francis is urging the Church and Christians to exhibit more understanding and leniency towards divorced couples as well as those who decide to remarry, since it is not right to excommunicate them.

Focus on unity and growth: A week by the sea with HTB
How a group of churches gathered in East Sussex prove churches are flying in the face of the secularisation thesis.

Bishop TD Jakes on sexuality: 'We have to wrestle with these issues in the church, not follow society'
We have to wrestle theologically with LGBT issues in the Church, and not simply follow where society leads, Bishop TD Jakes has said.

God's immense mercy, not judgment, can be found in Confession, Pope Francis says
While everyone feels shame before going to Confession, it is through the sacrament that we experience God's mercy, Pope Francis said in his weekly Angelus address in St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

Cuba witnessing Christianity boom as Bible copies pour into communist-ruled country
Christians in Cuba received tens of thousands of Bibles last month from the International Missions Board.

11 signs you were in the British church in the 90s
Martin Saunders is feeling nostalgic...