
11-year-old rape victim caught in middle of abortion debate gives birth in Paraguay
A pre-teen girl in socially conservative Paraguay who was denied an abortion by the government after being allegedly raped by her stepfather has given birth on Thursday, highlighting the intense debate between protecting life of the unborn and human rights.

First Baptist Church in South Carolina hit for allowing same-sex union, gay ministers
While most Christian churches across the United States are strongly opposing homosexuality and same-sex marriage, the First Baptist of Greenville in South Carolina has taken a different route: it has decided to allow not just gay unions, but also the ordination of gay and transgender ministers.

Devil worshippers' gathering in Detroit not a joke; they're 'playing with fire'â priest
Fr. James Martin, a Roman Catholic priest belonging to the order of Jesuits, strongly reminded the public that the gathering of devil worshippers is not a joke.

UK Church leaders attack Government for Calais failures
Britain should take its fair share of migrants and stop demonizing them, they say.

'It's not about money': Georgia church hit for expelling woman, 92, for failure to tithe
Different churches employ different approaches to tithing nowadays, a custom that dates back to the Bible of offering God a part of one's livelihood or income in order to give Him thanks. But a church in Georgia seems to take tithing even more seriously than the others when they kicked out a 92-year-old woman from their congregation for failing to do so.

Church of England 'on the margins of extinction', analyst claims
The turn of the next century will witness the extinction of the Church of England, according to new analysis of churchgoing trends.

Ukraine: Gay pride march banned after church leaders' protest
The court said the march "may pose a real danger and a threat to public order in the city".

10 powerful quotes from Maximilian Kolbe, the priest who gave his life in Auschwitz
Father Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish priest who died in 1941 in Auschwitz. A theologian and teacher noted for his devotion to Mary, he undertook missionary work in China and Japan before returning to Poland because of ill-health before the war.

China intensifies anti-church campaign as faithful risk lives in defying state orders
The Chinese government's crackdown on churches has been getting worse as the campaign now includes even state-sanctioned churches, but the campaign has drawn backlash from the faithful who risk their lives to defy state orders, including a bishop who urged Christians to "defend" the right to religion.

Anglican preacher quits CofE over gay marriage
A gifted lay Anglican is to quit the Church of England after being told he can no longer carry on as a licensed reader if he marries his partner next month.

Priest cut to pieces by ISIS militants as Mideast Christian clerics become targets
Arab-Christian clergymen have been the recent targets of abductions, torture, and executions by Islamic extremist groups, including a priest who was taken for ransom and chopped into pieces.

Four Sudanese Christian women found innocent of 'immoral dress'
The women were part of a group of Christians from the Nuba Mountains who were arrested on June 25.

Man dies after trying to fast for 40 days in imitation of Jesus
A Zimbabwean Christian trying to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in imitation of Jesus has died a month into his attempt.

100 years after being martyred, Syriac Catholic to be beatified
Thousands of Syrian and Iraqi Christians who have fled the atrocities of Islamic State are expected to attend the beatification of a Syriac Catholic bishop later this month.

Italian Catholic priest offers â¬2,000 'baby bonus' to large families
Rev Stefano Bimbi is offering parishioners in the village of Staggia 2,000 euros to have more children.

All this chatting in services has to stop, says Brazilian bishop
A Brazilian bishop has issued a decree spelling out what is acceptable behaviour during services.