
Why it's OK not to go to church this Sunday
Sometimes, because of the commitments we undertake when we're there or the demands of the people we meet there, church can be draining.

We will rebuild your torched churches, Egypt president tells Christians
The president of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has pledged to rebuild every single one of the dozens of churches, Christian institutions and homes destroyed during the last two years of anti-Christian violence in his troubled nation.

Donations to Christian Aid fall: Charities face 'perfect storm'
In what may be a sign of troubled times ahead for charities, Christian Aid's income fell by four per cent last year.

El Salvador to arrest soldiers accused of murdering six priests in 1989
El Salvador's government has said it will cooperate in arresting 17 former soldiers who were allegedly involved in the killing of six Jesuit priests during the country's civil war.

Bishops protest death penalty ahead of serial killer's execution
Florida's Catholic bishops have urged the governor to end the death penalty ahead of the execution of serial killer Oscar Ray Bolin, Jr. scheduled to take place today.

Larycia Hawkins hits back at Wheaton for firing her
Hawkins said that she is "flummoxed and flabbergasted" by the college's actions.

Pope Francis releases emotional new video: Regardless of religion, we are all children of God
Pope Francis has made an impassioned plea for interfaith unity, with a video released yesterday calling for men and women of all religions to work together for peace.

NYC pastor charged for stealing church money says he was underpaid
Rev. Daniel Iampaglia of Evangelical Rock Church claims that he stole money from the church offering baskets because he was being underpaid by the congregation.

Parades, presents and paddling: 10 amazing pictures showing how Epiphany is celebrated around the world
A snapshot of Epiphany celebrations from across the globe.

Pope Francis: The Church only shines when anchored in Christ
Pope Francis has warned the Catholic Church against deceiving itself that it is self-sufficient, instead emphasising the church's dependency on Christ.

The question at the centre of the Wheaton College row: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
Professor Larycia Hawkins sparked a theological firestorm with her decision to wear a hijab during Advent.

Arizona churches offer refuge for Central Americans facing deportation
Churches across Arizona have united to provide sanctuary for migrants from central America facing deportation.

Vatican to lend ancient Christian relics to Canterbury Cathedral
The ancient relics of murdered archbishop Thomas Becket are to go on display in Canterbury this year, on loan from the Vatican.

Archbishop pleads for prayer as global Anglican leaders prepare to meet
The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued a plea for prayer as the leaders of his divided church prepare to meet in Canterbury next week in an attempt to avoid schism over gays.

Matt Redman, Darlene Zschech give new life to forgotten hymns by great evangelical writer
Forgotten works by one of the most prolific hymn writers of all time have been given a new lease of life after being recorded by some of today's top Christian writers and singers.

Garissa University reopens nine months after massacre, but Christian students too scared to attend
Garissa University has re-opened nine months after al-Shabaab killed 148 people on the campus in Northern Kenya.