
Tensions surface at Canterbury Primates meeting
Tensions surface at Canterbury Primates meeting

The heads of 38 Anglican provinces around the world have gathered this week to try to preserve their communion.

Pastors are leaving ministry early, here\'s why...
Pastors are leaving ministry early, here's why...

Seminary programmes fail to prepare ministers for dealing with people that they are called to lead and serve, focussing too much on doctrine and theology, according to a new Lifeway Research survey.

Kenya backs down on attempt to regulate religion after Christian outcry
Kenya backs down on attempt to regulate religion after Christian outcry

New proposals unveiled last week would require all religious bodies to register and for preachers have police clearance.

A crisis is developing in Ethiopia and we have a chance to stop it
A crisis is developing in Ethiopia and we have a chance to stop it

10.2 million people in Ethiopia are facing food shortages.

Open Doors: Syria and Iraq are \'the tip of the iceberg\' – there has never been a worse time to be a Christian
Open Doors: Syria and Iraq are 'the tip of the iceberg' – there has never been a worse time to be a Christian

There has never been a worse time to be a Christian, according to persecution charity Open Doors who will launch their annual report this afternoon.

Church of England weekly attendance falls below one million for first time
Church of England weekly attendance falls below one million for first time

The number of people attending Church of England services each week has fallen below one million for the first time, according to new figures published today.

Church organist\'s \'breathtaking\' David Bowie tribute goes viral
Church organist's 'breathtaking' David Bowie tribute goes viral

A David Bowie tribute by a church organist has gone viral with many fans reduced to tears at the rendition.

Palestinian Christians in Cremisan Valley \'have lost hope\', US bishop says
Palestinian Christians in Cremisan Valley 'have lost hope', US bishop says

Palestinian Christians living in Cremisan Valley whose land is being divided by the Israeli separation barrier "have lost hope", according to a U.S. bishop visiting the West Bank.

\'Gay people are children of God\': Orthodox bishop urges tolerance after Greece allows civil unions
'Gay people are children of God': Orthodox bishop urges tolerance after Greece allows civil unions

We must remember homosexuals are children of God, a Greek Orthodox bishop has urged in the aftermath of Greece allowing civil unions for same-sex couples.

Naghmeh Abedini: The US Church is pursuing fame, not God
Naghmeh Abedini: The US Church is pursuing fame, not God

Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini, has warned the Church against pursuing fame and wealth.

The under-rated virtue: 7 Bible proverbs about kindness
The under-rated virtue: 7 Bible proverbs about kindness

Kind people are those who go out of their way to make life better for others.

Taiwanese town builds church shaped like a shoe to attract female worshippers
Taiwanese town builds church shaped like a shoe to attract female worshippers

Church has taken on a new look in Taiwan, where a giant Cinderella-inspired glass slipper has been built as a house of worship, hoping to entice more women to church.

Prince Charles donates to persecuted Christians after meeting Iraqi and Syrian refugees
Prince Charles donates to persecuted Christians after meeting Iraqi and Syrian refugees

The Prince of Wales' donation follows a speech he made on persecuted Christians at an advent reception last month.

Demonstrations held in support for Norwegian Christian couple accused of \'indoctrinating\' children
Demonstrations held in support for Norwegian Christian couple accused of 'indoctrinating' children

The Bodnariu's children were removed in November last year on suspicion of parental child abuse and religious indoctrination.

Christian MPs warn Sunday schools face ban on teaching traditional marriage
Christian MPs warn Sunday schools face ban on teaching traditional marriage

Christian MPs have warned that Sunday schools could be banned from teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman under the government's counter-extremism policy.

Pope Francis: All true religion leads to peace
Pope Francis: All true religion leads to peace

People of God must be men and women of peace, and it's possible for followers of different faiths to co-exist peacefully, Pope Francis said yesterday.