
Distinct Mormon names: Expression of individuality or sign of cultural similarity?
In an article on the Religion News website, Utah-based folklorist Jennifer Mannsfield discussed why Mormons choose to give out-of-the-ordinary names to their children.

Miracle in Chicago? Pilgrims flock to see Orthodox icon weeping drops of oil
Tiny drops of sweet-smelling oil have been trickling down an icon of John the Baptist at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago.

Politician slammed over 'more Muslims than Christians in Europe' comments
Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens told the EU Parliament the reason was not, "because there are too many Muslims" but because Christians practise their faith less.

Low pay, no savings and financial stress: The reality for evangelical pastors
Most evangelical pastors in America struggle to make ends meet but will not open up about their financial difficulties, according to a new survey.

Infallibility: Why a key Catholic doctrine is back on the table
In his latest venture, Pope Francis may be pushing even harder at the boundaries of acceptability.

Is the Antichrist on his way? Half of America's pastors think so
Throughout history there have been various candidates, including Peter the Great, Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin.

Methodist church investigates pastor who conducted same-sex wedding
A formal complaint has been filed against a Methodist minister who conducted a same-sex wedding in North Carolina on Saturday.

CofE issues Christian prayer for EU referendum
The Church of England has released a prayer for the EU referendum campaign that urges working for peace with "all the peoples of Europe".

Christian church website hacked by militant Islamist cyber terrorists
Islamist terrorists have hacked a Christian church website with the statement: "We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses and enslave your women by the permission of Allah, the Exalted."

Christian author Jen Hatmaker calls for full inclusion of LGBT community in church
Bestselling Christian author Jen Hatmaker has called for Christians to welcome the LGBT community with open arms.

Pope Francis tells youth: Love is 'the only valid document identifying us as Christians'
Pope Francis told thousands of youth gathered in Rome that happiness is not a game app that they can download in their mobile phones.

India: Church vandalised and pastor and wife doused in petrol
A pastor and his wife have been doused in petrol during an attack on their church in India, Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports.

Pope Francis urges prayer for kidnapped priests in Syria
"May the Merciful God touch the heart of the abductors and grant the release of our brothers," Francis said.

Pope Francis tells teens: 'Happiness cannot be downloaded like an app'
Happiness cannot be downloaded like a smartphone app, Pope Francis told teenagers on Sunday as part of a weekend-long celebration of young people in the Vatican.

Bishop and pastor face church trial for same-sex wedding
Bishop Melvin Talbert and Pastor Val Rosenquist officiated at the service for Jim Wilborne and John Romano.

Pennsylvania church killing: Man shot dead during 'altercation' in service
Robert Braxton, 27, was shot in the chest and died during a confrontation.