
Sudan releases pastor imprisoned without charge since December
Telahoon Nogose Kassa was one of two church leaders held by the authorities after they were arrested by Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services.

Greek evangelical leader urges churches to unite in service of refugees
As villages of 200 people are transformed into city-sized camps by the influx of tens of thousands of refugees, the head of the Evangelical Church of Greece shares how serving these new arrivals is central to the gospel.

'Prophet' of cult-like church spat on and kicked church-goers
The former leader of a "cult-like" church in Ontario has pleaded guilty to nine accounts of assault in court.

Fixing evangelical Christianity's addiction to control
Where do American evangelicals lose our core calling to love others and preach the Gospel?

Pro-life, pro-family leaders urge Pope Francis to withdraw 'Amoris Laetitia,' citing confusion among Catholics
More than 100 pro-life and pro-family leaders made use of their annual Rome Life Forum on Saturday to show their support to an appeal for Pope Francis to withdraw his controversial treatise on marriage and family titled "Amoris Laetitia" (Joy of Life), which they said is causing confusion among Catholics.

Christian grandmother stabbed in head says she will forgive attacker, if he turns to God
Grandmother stabbed in the head 13 times tells her attacker she will forgive him, if he turns to God.

Pope Francis, Billy Graham and Oprah Winfrey among 'most admired' people in world
Pope Francis, Billy Graham, Oprah Winfrey and the Queen are among the top 40 most admired people in the world, according to a new survey.

Germany: Mass baptism of 80 Muslim refugees who converted to Christianity
Over 80 Muslim refugees from Iran and Afghanistan have converted to Christianity and were baptised on Thursday in Hamburg, Germany.

Miracles expert explains the purpose of miracles and what they mean for our faith
Anybody could claim a miracle, but how does the Church determine which reported miracles are genuinely divine and which are fake?

111 United Methodist Church clergy come out as gay ahead of general conference
More than 100 United Methodist Church clergy have come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender ahead of the Church's General Conference this week.

United Methodists row over gay marriage as general conference begins
Evangelical leaders are calling for the suspension of an elder in the United Methodist Church in the US after he married his male partner.

Cultivating monsters: the problem of leader idolatry
If our faith in Jesus becomes intertwined with our love of a leader, the consequences can be catastrophic.

Anglican chief counters accusations of 'Lusaka six'
Further Anglican divisions have emerged after six delegates to a recent influential meeting last month of church leaders denied that they had either endorsed or affirmed the actions of the Anglican Communion primates in January.

Christian and Muslim leaders meet in Rome and pledge 'solidarity' with the poor and needy
The top-level meeting of Catholic and Muslim leaders endorsed the "humanising and civilising" role of both religions.

Archbishops call nation to prayer as Pentecost nears
The movement is in response to a call from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

Evangelicals urged to look at Donald Trump ascendancy as an opportunity to 'redefine their brand'
Evangelicals disheartened by the emergence of Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee need not feel despondent since there is a silver lining to this.